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Avatar 《阿凡達》精講之三

[ 2010-02-22 10:06]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Jake: If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated. Your scan doesn't show the internal structure. There's an outer row of columns, real heavy duty. There's a secondary ring here, and an inner ring. There's a core structure like a spiral. That's how they move up and down.

Colonel: We're gonna need accurate scans of every column.

Jake: Roger that.

Colonel: What else can you tell us about the structure?

Jake: I'm guessing this secondary ring, that's also load bearing. Where are we going?

Grace: Gettin out of Dodge. I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing. There's a mobile link up as site 26, we can work out of, way up in the mountains.

Norm: The Hallelujah mountains?

Grace: That's right.

Norm: Are you serious?

Grace: Yeah.

Norm: Yes! The legendary floating mountains of Pandora, heard of them?

Grace: We're getting close.

Pilot: Yeah, look at my instruments.

Grace: We're in the flux vortex.

Pilot: VFR from here on.

Norm: What's VFR?

Pilot: Means you got to see where you're going.

Norm: You can't see anything.

Pilot: Exactly. Ain't that a bitch.

Pilot: Oh my God...

Pilot: You should see your faces. Thank you for flying Air Pandora.

Grace: Welcome to the camp. So, this is my bunk.

Pilot: This stuff is nasty. Norm, go under.

Jake: Grace didn't miss a thing. She knew I was talking to the Colonel. But I had what she needed, a way back in with the clan. So she's playing nice.

Grace: Alright. Jake, hang a left. You'll be in the link at the end. Unit 1, Beulah. She's the least glitchy.

Jake: Holy shit.

Neytiri: Do not look in her eye. Ikran is not horse. When Sa'helu is made...Ikran will fly well. Only one hunter in the whole life. To become Aron'yu, hunter...You must choose your own Ikran and he must choose you.

Jake: When?

Neytiri: When you are ready.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. heavy duty: 重型,重載。

我們平時說的“重型卡車”就可以用heavy duty truck來表示。

2. roger: 收到了,知道了。常用于無線電通訊,表示已聽懂信息。

3. load bearing:承載,承重。

4. micro-manage:微觀管理,面面俱到的管理。格蕾斯在這里的意思是“我才不要讓他們什么都管”。

5. floating mountain:漂浮山峰,懸浮山。這里是指潘多拉星球上的哈利路亞山。設計原型為張家界的南天一柱(即乾坤柱)。

6. VFR:目視飛行規則,visual flight rules的縮寫。

目視飛行時,駕駛員主要依靠視覺來判斷和發現其它飛行物或地面障礙。此外,空中飛行規則還包括通用飛行規則和IFR(instrument flight rules儀表飛行規則)。

7. bunk:輪船、火車等的鋪位。

Bunk bed則是指兩張或三張單人床疊架設置,通常有扶梯,也就是我們常說的“上下鋪”。

8. clan: 部落,宗族。在這里指納美人村落。

例如:The whole clan is coming to stay with them at Christmas.他們那一大幫親戚要在圣誕節期間來他們這里住。


例如:There are many clans in European countries.(歐洲國家有很多黨派。)

9. Beulah: 以色列的別名。




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