Lil Bub侏儒貓Lil Bub
Lil bub was discovered as the runt of a healthy feral litter in rural Indiana. She needs special attention to live as she has special needs. However, she overcame adversity and is now a published author, talkshow host, and possibly the cutest cat on the Internet.
Lil bub在印第安納州的鄉下被發現的,她是一窩健康的野生貓咪幼崽中的侏儒貓。因為特殊需求她的生活需要特殊關照。不過,她克服了逆境,現在她已經成為了出書的作家、脫口秀主持人、而且很可能是網上最萌的喵星人。
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