Grumpy Cat不爽貓
Grumpy Cat looks like us when we see a bad graph. That's what's so cute about her - she encapsulates the 'not impressed' vibe many cats often give off. Rumours that she was worth $100 million were debunked, but her owner has taken on managing the star as a full-time job and with millions of social media followers we couldn't not include her...
不爽貓看起來就像我們看到很糟糕的圖表時的樣子。這也就是為什么她那么萌的原因——很多貓咪時常散發的“ 臭臉”氣場在她身上得到了升華。她價值一億美元的謠言已經被拆穿了,但她的主人已經儼然成為這只明星貓咪的全職經紀人,在社交媒體上有著數百萬粉絲的她不上榜的話簡直不科學……
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