The undated photo shows the scene of a job fair. The Ministry of Education has released a list of 15 undergraduate majors in universities all over the country which were chosen as low employment rate majors between 2012 and 2013. |
The Ministry of Education has released a list of 15 undergraduate majors in universities all over the country which were chosen as low employment rate majors between 2012 and 2013.
此次教育部公布的“低就業率專業”(low employment rate majors或者majors with low employment rate)在網上更是被稱為“高失業風險專業”(majors with high risk of unemployment)或者“紅牌專業”(red card warning majors),公布這樣的名單列表是為了讓高校盡快改進專業設置(major curriculum design)并減少此類專業的招生人數。
近年來熱門的市場營銷(marketing)、貿易經濟(trade and economy)以及電子商務(e-commerce)等專業都上了榜。有高校內部人士表示,部分專業就業率低主要是因為其培養方式與市場需求脫節(detachment from market need)。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)