5. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. (Dead Poets Society)
5.不管別人是怎么跟你說的,我要告訴你的是,語言與思想具有改變世界的力量。電影《死亡詩社》 (Dead Poets Society)
We can bemoan the dominance of the Interwebz and social media in modern life all we want. We can justifiably grieve the fall of the local bookstore. The truth is, though, that ideas and words are still -- maybe even more than ever -- powerful tools for change; they just travel (quickly) in a different format. I want my children to remember the power of their words, especially when they give them over to the Internet. Robin Williams's John Keating was not teaching his students about social media, but I am. The message stays the same. Words and ideas can change the world, and I want mine -- and my children's -- to change it for the better.
我們往往會抱怨互聯網和社交媒體占據了生活的全部,我們也會為傳統書店的衰落感到痛心。但事實是,文字和思想——也許更甚從前——仍有改變世界的力量;他們只是(飛速)演化成了不同的形式。我希望我的孩子能意識到自己說過的話的重要性,特別是在網上發布言論時。羅賓·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)扮演的約翰·基廷(John Keating)老師并沒有和學生談及社交媒體的影響力,但是我卻和我的孩子說過。但我們所要表達的意思是一樣的:文字與思想具有改變世界的力量,我希望我的孩子——和他們的后輩——能利用好這一點,讓世界變得更美好。