Players from Beijing female rugby sevens team stand still on the pitch and deliberately throw the match in the second half on Tuesday at the National Games final against the Shandong team. Photo provided to China Daily |
In protest of the refereeing at the final against Shandong, the Beijing female rugby sevens squad threw the match in the second half, standing still on the field while surrendering its end zone to their opponent, who won by an embarrassing 71-0 on Tuesday.
上文用throw the match來表示“放棄比賽、罷賽”,這個短語本身的意思是“故意輸掉比賽”,用在上文的語境中也是合適的。去年的倫敦奧運會期間,八名女子羽毛球選手因為“消極怠戰(not using one's best efforts to win a match)”而被取消比賽資格。
雖然北京隊領隊表示山東隊的很多防守犯規(defensive fouls)裁判都沒有吹,引發北京隊不滿,但公眾和媒體仍認為他們罷賽是缺少體育精神(lack of sportsmanship)。
7人制橄欖球(rugby sevens)近幾年剛剛在國內獲得認可,此次是第一次成為全運會(National Games)比賽項目,并已獲國際奧委會(International Olympic Committee)批準成為2016年巴西里約熱內盧夏季奧運會比賽項目。End zone指比賽場地中的“端區”,也叫得分區,比賽中,進攻方向將球向對方陣地推進,球越過得分線進入端區,進攻方即可得分。
Talking Sport: Rugby 2016 Olympics 橄欖球成為奧運比賽項目
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)