So far, a medical and healthcare system including medical infrastructure construction, service supply and health insurance coverage has taken shape, covering more than 1.3 billion people in urban and rural areas, according to the white paper.
白皮書指出,中國高度重視保護和增進人民健康。多年來,中國堅持“以農村為重點(making rural areas the focus of our work),預防為主(putting disease prevention first),中西醫并重(supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine),依靠科技與教育(relying on science, technology and education),動員全社會參與(mobilizing the whole society to join the efforts),為人民健康服務(improving people's health),為社會主義現代化建設服務(serving socialist modernization)”的衛生工作方針,努力發展具有中國特色的醫療衛生事業。
經過不懈努力,覆蓋城鄉的醫療衛生服務體系(medical and healthcare systems covering both urban and rural residents)基本形成,疾病防治能力(the capabilities of disease prevention and control)不斷增強,醫療保障覆蓋人口(the coverage of medical insurance)逐步擴大,衛生科技水平日益提高,居民健康水平明顯改善。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)