An image in The devil wears Prada. Chief executive Miranda is talking with her assistant Andy who wears unsuitable clothes. Nearly all U.S. working women believe that their professional appearance is crucial to success at work.
Nearly all US working women believe that their professional appearance is crucial to success at work, and one in five female executives say they have withheld a promotion or a raise due to the way an employee dresses, according to a survey released on Tuesday. The poll found that 98 percent feel appearance affected their career, and just 2 percent disagreed. The survey was conducted among female professionals, senior managers and business owners by PINK Magazine, a publication for career women, and Corset Personal Styling, a service firm for women. Fifty-five percent said they often think they have nothing to wear, and 40 percent said they tend to keep buying clothes that look the same, the survey showed. Nearly half said they wear too much black, and a little more than half said they have difficulty finding trendy yet age-appropriate clothes. Some 22 percent of the chief executives, top managers and business owners said they had withheld a promotion or raise because of how an employee dresses at work. The survey, conducted online for Atlanta-based PINK and Minneapolis-based Corset from September 29 through October 11, polled 137 business owners, chief executives, managers and professionals from PINK's readership. Of those, 36 were chief executives, business owners and top managers, it said. The poll did not include a margin of error. 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
本周二公布的一項調查顯示,幾乎所有美國職業女性都認為,職業形象對于她們的事業成敗至關重要,五分之一的女性高管稱,她們曾因員工著裝不當而沒給其晉升機會或加薪。 調查發現,98%的受訪者認為個人形象會影響事業發展,僅有2%的人對此表示反對。 該調查由PINK職場女性雜志和Corset女性形象顧問公司開展,調查對象包括女性職員、高級經理和企業主。 調查顯示,55%的受訪者常常覺得自己沒衣服穿,40%的人稱她們總是不停地購買式樣差不多的衣服。 近半數受訪者稱,自己穿黑色衣服太多,略超半數的受訪者稱她們很難找到既時髦又適合自己年齡的衣服。 約22%的總管、高級經理和企業主稱,他們曾因員工著裝不當而拒絕對其晉升或加薪。 總部位于亞特蘭大的PINK雜志和總部位于明尼阿波利斯的Corset公司于9月29日至10月11日間對137名企業主、總裁、經理和職員進行了在線調查,調查對象均為PINK雜志讀者。 其中,總裁、企業主和高級經理的人數為36人。該調查沒有計算誤差幅度。 相關閱讀 (英語點津Julie 姍姍編輯) |
Vocabulary: withhold: to refrain from giving or granting(拒絕給;扣留) age-appropriate:適合年齡的,與年齡相符的 |