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The Iron Lady《鐵娘子》精講之三

[ 2012-05-25 15:45] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
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撒切爾夫人拒看《鐵娘子》 不滿奧斯卡影后梅麗爾



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Carol: You should have seen us, Pa.

Margaret: Have you been trying to make breakfast? For Goodness sake, Denis!

Denis: I can boil a bloody egg.

Carol:Mummy took me for a test drive - We went absolutely everywhere. All over the place -

Margaret: I've decided. I'm going to run.

Denis: What for?

Margaret: I'm going to run for Leader of the Party.

Carol: Silly me!

Denis: Good luck!

Carol: All the time I thought I was having a driving lesson, it was all about my mother, just for a change!

Margaret: What's she on about?

Denis: It's her driving test this morning!

Margaret: Oh, right. Of course.

Denis: Are you saying you want to be Prime Minister?

Margaret: What I'm saying is that someone must force the point, say the unsayable. None of these men have the guts.

Denis: The Prime Minister has been very loyal to you, MT.

Margaret: But he's weak, and he's weakened the party. One must know when to go. You're shaking. Let...

Denis: I can do it!

Margaret: Goodness me! What is the matter with everyone this morning?

Denis: I've told you what the matter is. The business is a bit rocky at the moment and the Doctor thinks I need a rest.

Margaret: And do you need a rest? We both know... that it's highly unlikely that I would ever be elected leader, But I will run. I will run. Just to nip at their heels and make... them reaffirm the principles on which the Conservative Party must stand. There's so much to do.

Denis: You're insufferable, Margaret, do you know that?

Margaret: Denis, you married someone who is committed to public service, you knew that. And it is my duty...

Denis: Don't call it duty. It's ambition which has got you this far. Ambition. And the rest of us, me, the children, we can all go to hell! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!

Margaret: Where did you go?

Denis: South Africa.

Margaret: Yes. Yes.

Denis: How many days passed before you realized I was gone? Probably had to ask the cleaning woman where I was.

Margaret: When did I lose track of everyone?

Denis: Too busy climbing the greasy pole MT.

TV: Mrs Thatcher I understand you recently visited the United States of America.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. test drive: 試車,試驗駕駛

2. silly me: 我真傻

3. all the time: 一直,始終

Conditions are changing all the time. (情況在不斷地變化著。)

4. unsayable: 不可說出的,不易表達的

5. guts: 勇氣

He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble.(當他處在困境的時候,他仍有勇氣支持他的朋友。)

6. rocky: 困難重重的

The marriage got off to a rocky start.(那婚姻一開始就不穩固。)

7. nip at: 刺痛,挑剔,慢慢侵襲

8. insufferable: 令人無法忍受的

I was a modest, good-humoured boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.(我本是個害羞而又脾氣極好的小伙子,就是那牛津(大學)把我塑造成了一個令人討厭的人物。)

9. go to hell: 完蛋, 見鬼去(罵人用法)

10.lose track of: 失去……的線索

Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over.(夏天過后,瑪麗就和她一起宿營的朋友失去了聯系。)

11.greasy pole: 爬竿取物

撒切爾夫人拒看《鐵娘子》 不滿奧斯卡影后梅麗爾


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