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4. 個人信用記錄
personal credit record
The establishment of personal credit records will boom in China in 2017, with people from 14 kinds of important occupations being targeted, said Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission.
這14類職業人員包括公務員(civil servant)、企業法定代表人(legal representative)及相關責任人、律師、教師、醫師、執業藥師、評估師(appraiser)、稅務師(tax accountant)、注冊消防工程師(registered fire protection engineer)、會計審計人員、房地產中介從業人員(real estate agent)、認證人員、金融從業人員、導游(tour guide)等。
連維良提出,今年還將在全國范圍建立和完善信用紅黑名單制度(a nationwide credit whitelist and blacklist will be set and improved over the course of the year)。他表示,目前,守信聯合激勵和失信聯合懲戒(encourage those with good credit records and punish the opposites)大格局正在形成(come into being)。2017年,守信聯合激勵和失信聯合懲戒備忘錄要擴展到各個領域(extend to all fields),總量預計超過50個,實現全覆蓋。
國家發改委透露,據不完全統計,目前全國法院累計公布失信被執行人(defaulter, people who have failed to fulfill court orders)644.52萬例,民航部門(civil aviation authorities)限制購買機票576.62萬人次,鐵路部門限制購買列車軟臥(soft-berth)、高鐵和其他動車組一等座(first-class seats on high-speed trains and bullet trains)車票207.23萬人次。工商部門限制擔任企業法定代表人、董事、監事、高級管理人員等職務(be banned from taking positions such as legal representative, director, supervisor, senior executive in a company)7.1萬余人次。
連維良指出,推進個人誠信體系建設(promote the establishment of personal credit system),要強調"四重",要特別重視實名制(real-name registration)、信息安全(information security)、信用修復服務(credit repair services)、信息服務,核心精神就是保護個人的權益(protect individual rights and interests)。據了解,作為誠信體系建設的重要配套文件之一,《關于進一步健全相關領域實名登記制度的總體方案》不久即將公布(a general plan on further improving real-name registration requirements in related fields will soon be released)。
社會信用體系 social credit system
誠信 honesty
失信行為 dishonest conduct
失信黑名單制度 blacklisting system for dishonesty
市場性懲戒 market-oriented punishment
實名制 real-name system
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(1.7-13)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(1.28-2.3)
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