

Market share: 市場份額

2004-09-17 08:47

Coca-Cola Co. amid signs that is it losing market share to arch rival Pepsi, on Wednesday warned that profit would lag Wall Street expectations for the rest of the year because of weakness in key markets and said there was no quick fix for its problems.

Crude output: 原油生產

2004-09-16 08:35

Oil prices headed up toward $45 a barrel on Wednesday as Hurricane Ivan shut 60 percent of crude output in the Gulf of Mexico and at least five refiners along the U.S. coast planned to close as a precaution.

Log on: 進入系統

2004-09-10 08:42

Microsoft Corp. unveiled a new array of keyboard and mice, with some featuring built-in fingerprint readers to make it easier for users to log on to personal computers and Web sites.

Lag behind: 落在后面

2004-09-07 08:39

Which is the most vibrant business city in China? Forbes Magazine has for the first time answered the question by releasing a 2004 mainland's best business city ranking, and surprisingly Beijing and Shanghai lag behind in Forbes' list.

Team up: 合作,協作

2004-09-01 21:49

China Mobile has teamed up with Minsheng Banking Corporation to offer a mobile phone financial service. It alows users to pay phone fees through mobile phone, China Radio Internaitonal reported Wednesday.

Audience rating: 收視率

2004-09-01 08:24

The National Broadcasting Company in the US purchased the television rights for 793 million US dollars, the highest price paid for an event of this kind. But the company still earned net profits of over 200 million US dollars due to high audience ratings and advertising revenues of around 1 billion US dollars.

Pull off: 努力實現

2004-08-26 08:41

On Tuesday, Takeo Fukui, president and chief executive of Japan's third-biggest car maker, pulled off a publicity stunt that had spectators applauding as he squeezed out of Honda's BARf-1 racing car after doing laps around the test track.

Play down: 對……不太重視

2004-08-12 08:55

The firm's shares lost more than 5% during after-hours electronic trading in New York. But chief executive John Chambers played down the concerns over future prospects. "In the things we can control, I feel good," he said.

Light crude: 輕原油

2004-08-11 10:24

US light crude rose to $44.99 in Asian trading. Prices have climbed for the past eight days to 21-year highs.

Export subsidy: 出口補貼

2004-08-06 10:07

A preliminary ruling by the Geneva-based trade body found that the EU has violated limits on export subsidies, which developing countries say undercut their producers' prices, said Brazilian foreign minister Celso Amorim.

Floor trader: 場內交易人

2004-08-04 16:06

The proposal would create a "unique hybrid market" that maintains the traditional system of floor traders, but would also increase the use of the exchange's swifter electronic trading platform, called "NYSE Direct+."

A package of proposals: 一攬子建議

2004-08-02 16:37

Following an all-night negotiating marathon, key countries agreed on a package of proposals for future reform of global farm trade.











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