Politicians often use personal photos for their Christmas cards, but they can elicit a negative reaction.
This year's card from former Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie was criticised by some on Twitter, with author Matthew Sweet describing it as "weird" and the New York magazine calling it "decidedly forced and creepy after 50 photo takes".
今年,前首相托尼·布萊爾(Tony Blair)和妻子切麗(Cherie)的圣誕卡片就在推特上遭到惡評,作家麥修·斯維特(Matthew Sweet)稱其很“詭異”,紐約雜志(New York magazine)更是稱其為“50歲老人被迫拍攝的驚悚照”。
(翻譯:guanxiaoqi 編輯:Julie)