這是一個拼創意的時代。為了讓更多人了解其豐富的文化遺產,北京故宮也是蠻拼的,不僅為自己設計了吉祥物,還開起了網店,走上賣萌路線,文化創意產品層出不窮,連故宮掌門人單霽翔也說“腦洞大開”。 今天,就讓我們來盤點一下故宮的創意和“腦洞”。
文創產品:Creative Cultural Products
The Palace Museum has been making efforts to change its solemn and dull image. One of its initiatives is new souvenirs that are fun and cute, and marry historical minutiae with modern sensibilities and technologies. The creative cultural products, which are sold through the museum's Taobao store, have become a big hit with netizens. To name just a few:
*Beaded earbuds
The much-talked about beaded earphones, priced at RMB120, mimic the beads worn by officials attending the royal court during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). A netizen said wearing it while working gives the illusion that you yourself are an emperor reviewing files submitted by subordinates.