Middle-age spread: By the time most of us get into our 40s, we exercise less and begin putting on weight - and also increase our risk of developing diabetes. |
They say life begins at 40 - but according to health campaigners, that is just when everything starts to go rapidly downhill. Researchers have found that 41 is the age when most Brits ‘let themselves go’. Many over-40s begin to eat too much, put on weight and cut down on the amount of daily exercise they take, according to a new study. And in a survey to mark the start of Diabetes Week, thousands of people said they wish they could turn back the clock. More than 40 per cent of over-40s questioned felt they had let themselves go, with more than one third saying that if they could go back in time they wouldn’t allow themselves to become overweight. More than 100,000 people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes every year in the UK - around 275 new cases every day or one every five minutes. Despite diabetes being one of the biggest threats to the health of the nation, 42 per cent of those questioned said they didn’t understand what Type 2 diabetes was and a quarter couldn’t even name one complication associated with the disease, such as limb amputations, cardiovascular disease or blindness. The survey was commissioned by Lloydspharmacy which today launched its ‘Diabetes - are you at risk?’ campaign to help people recognise the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes which include being overweight. Alison Freemantle, diabetes expert at Lloydspharmacy, said: ‘Our research shows that many over-40s feel they’ve let themselves go and have regrets about putting on weight over the years - but they’re not necessarily making the link between being overweight and the risks of developing diabetes.’ More than 2,000 people of a variety of ages were surveyed for the study, which was carried out last month by Relate and the broadband company TalkTalk. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
有人說人生40才開始,但是健康宣傳人士指出,40歲正是一切開始迅速走下坡路的拐點。 研究人員發現,41歲是大多數英國人開始“放任自流”的年齡。 根據一項新研究,許多人一過40歲就開始過度飲食,體重增加,減少每日的運動量。 在為紀念“糖尿病周”的發起而開展的一項調查中,成千上萬的人說他們希望時光能夠倒轉。 年過四十的被調查者中,超過40%的人覺得自己已經放任自流,超過三分之一的人說,如果他們能夠回到過去,他們一定不會讓自己變得這么胖。 在英國,每年都有超過10萬人被診斷為II型糖尿病。每天就有約275個新病例產生,也就是每五分鐘就有一例。 盡管糖尿病是英國國民健康最大的威脅之一,42%的被調查者說他們不知II型糖尿病為何物,四分之一的人甚至說不出和該疾病相關的任何一種并發癥,例如截肢、心血管疾病或失明。 委托進行這一調查的勞埃德醫藥公司今天發起了名為“糖尿病——你正處于危險中嗎?”的宣傳活動,目的是幫助人們意識到可能引發II型糖尿病的風險因素,其中包括肥胖。 勞埃德醫藥公司的糖尿病專家艾莉森?弗里曼特爾說:“我們的研究顯示,許多年過四十的人都覺得自己已經放任自流,并對這些年來增加了這么多體重感到懊悔。但是他們并不一定會把肥胖和患上糖尿病的風險聯系起來。” Relate慈善機構和寬帶公司TalkTalk上個月聯合開展了這一調查。該調查涵蓋了2000多名不同年齡段的人。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:馮明惠) |
Vocabulary: let oneself go: 放松;隨心所欲 Type 2 diabetes: II型糖尿病,是各種致病因素的作用下,經過漫長的病理過程而形成的,也叫成人發病型糖尿病,多在35-40歲之后發病。 complication: a new problem or illness that makes treatment of a previous one more complicated or difficult(并發癥) cardiovascular: of or relating to the heart and blood vessels(心血管的;侵襲心血管的) |