職場的藍領和白領之分,大家應該早就習以為常了吧?藍領工人一般被視為體力勞動者,而白領則被劃至腦力勞動者之列。這界限是否真的那么清晰,小編我也無從得知。不過,隨著各國環保意識的增加,我們偉大的勞動者行列又多了一個群體,green-collar worker(綠領工人),你大概能猜到他們是做哪一行的吧?
A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability.
Green collar workers include professionals such as environmental consultants, environmental or biological systems engineers, green building architects, solar energy and wind energy engineers and installers, green vehicle engineers, "green business" owners, and so on.
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)