美國圣母學院公眾輿論研究所的一項年度調查結果顯示,“隨便”(Whatever)一詞連續三年被選為年度最讓美國人討厭的詞匯。近40%的受調查民眾認為,“隨便”(Whatever)是日常談話中最惹人煩的敷衍之語。如果你想盡快結束一場談話,可以試試說“隨便”(Whatever)。另外,五分之一的民眾認為,“你懂的”(You Know)和“比如”(Like)也很討人嫌。調查還顯示,盡管“隨便說說”(Just sayin)和“說真的” (Seriously)這兩種表達讓人聽了也很窩火,但至少還可以接受。圣母學院在全國范圍內對1026人進行了電話調查,這是該學院第三年舉行此類民意調查。
For the?third consecutive year "whatever' topped a Marist poll as the most annoying word or phrase in the English language. |
Do you want to kill a conversation? Try saying "whatever."
Words like "you know" and "like" might be irritating to hear, but for the third year in a row, it's "whatever" that holds the most power to annoy, according to an annual survey by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
Nearly four in?10 adults named "whatever" as the most annoying verbal filler in casual conversation, while one in five adults had similar disdain for "like" and 'you know."
"Just sayin'" and "seriously" were more forgiving to the ears, though still quite irritating, Marist found.
The telephone survey of 1,026 adults nationally had a margin of error of three percentage points.
(英語點津?Rosy 編輯)