England's Wayne Rooney reacts after a 2010 World Cup second round soccer match against Germany at Free State stadium in Bloemfontein June 27, 2010. [Agencies] |
After a hugely disappointing World Cup, England striker Wayne Rooney is unlikely to be cheered by his latest accolade: ugliest footballer on the planet. The Manchester United goal machine, who flopped after being hyped as a potential superstar in South Africa, heads the list of unattractive players on dating website BeautifulPeople.com. Most beautiful, according to online voters subscribing to the site, are Italy's Fabio Cannavaro, Fernando Torres and David Villa of Spain, US mainstay Landon Donovan and France's Thierry Henry. Rooney has the company of England team mate John Terry in the top 10 ugliest, but it's the Algerian team that comes out as collectively the least attractive on the planet, according to the poll. BeautifulPeople.com claimed that 200,000 people had already voted and that the polling was ongoing. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) (Agencies) |
在結束了令人失望的世界杯之旅后,英格蘭國家隊前鋒韋恩?魯尼日前又迎來了一個壞消息:被評為世界最丑的足球運動員。 這位曼聯俱樂部的進球機器在BeautifulPeople.com約會網站日前開展的世界杯最丑球員評選中位居榜首。在南非世界杯前被普遍看好的魯尼在本次比賽中表現不佳。 根據網友的評選結果,意大利隊的法比奧?卡納瓦羅、西班牙隊的費爾南多?托雷斯和大衛?維拉,美國隊主力蘭頓?多納萬和法國隊的蒂埃里?亨利當選為最帥球員。 除魯尼外,英格蘭隊的約翰?特里也躋身最丑球員榜前十位,但從球隊整體而言,阿爾及利亞隊最不養眼。 據BeautifulPeople.com網站介紹,目前已有20萬名網友參與投票,調查仍在進行之中。 相關閱讀: Wayne Rooney: lone hope 魯尼:全英驕子孤膽豪 (中國日報網英語點津 蔡姍姍編輯) |