(A reader asked about the origin of "Spelling Bee" in Fanba, the translation Q&A section, here comes the answer from Zhang Xin, a columnist from Chinadaily website.)
Everybody knows what a spelling bee is?
Yes, it’s a spelling competition among people, especially school children, for spelling out English words. The “bee” in spelling bee means a meeting of many people for a particular activity.
The word “bee” is generally believed to have derived from observing the activity of swarming bees. Swarming because bees like to work together in droves, hence the spelling bee for a spelling contest participated in by a large group of people.
Hope this helps.
(編者注:大家都知道bee 就是蜜蜂,但spelling bee可不是拼寫蜜蜂的意思,而是指拼寫測驗或拼字比賽。
Bee 除了指蜜蜂外,還有另外一種意思,即“人們聚集在一起執行某種任務或進行一場比賽”。這種用法始于18世紀的美國,是由蜜蜂的特征引申出來的,后來漸漸比match 這個詞用得更普遍。
Bees 通常形容一個團體中的許多人共同做一件事。這件事很難由某個人單獨完成,或者是很多人參與時更有樂趣。在友好的競爭氣氛下,工作效率會更高。Spelling bee 就是這樣一種競賽。
About the author
Zhang Xin is Trainer at chinadaily.com.cn. He has been with China Daily since 1988, when he graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Write him at: zhangxin@chinadaily.com.cn, or raise a question for potential use in a future column.