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6. 恐怖襲擊
terrorist attack
A terrorist attack outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday has left four people killed and at least 40 others injured.
當地時間22日下午,一名男子駕駛一輛汽車從倫敦市中心議會大廈(the Houses of Parliament)附近的威斯敏斯特大橋(Westminster Bridge)由南往北沖撞行人(plow through/down pedestrians, crash into pedestrians)。汽車駛過大橋后,在議會大廈附近撞到路邊護欄(strike a guardrail)停下,襲擊者(assailant)下車持刀(be armed with knives)追趕行人并試圖進入議會大廈(try to enter the complex),刺死一名未持械的警察(fatally stab an unarmed policeman)后,被警方開槍擊斃(be shot dead by the police)。
英國首相特雷莎·梅稱這是一起"病態且卑鄙"的襲擊(the attack was "sick and depraved"),并贊揚了警察和安全服務人員的"非凡膽略"(praise the "exceptional bravery" of police and security services)。梅表示,英國的恐怖威脅級別仍將維持在"嚴重"(the UK's terror threat level will remain at "severe"),任何想通過暴恐行為破壞英國價值觀的企圖都注定會失敗(any attempt to defeat British values through violence and terror is doomed to failure)。
倫敦警方已確認被擊斃的嫌疑人為52歲的哈利德·馬蘇德(London police has identified the suspect, who was shot dead, as 52-year-old Khalid Masood),他是一名土生土長的英國人(a homegrown Briton),曾因持有攻擊性武器、違反公共秩序等多項指控而被定罪(be convicted for a number of charges, including possession of offensive weapons and public order offenses),但從未因任何恐怖主義罪名(terrorism offenses)被定罪。極端組織"伊斯蘭國(the Islamic State)"宣稱對這起襲擊事件負責,并將馬蘇德稱為"伊斯蘭國戰士"(claim responsibility for the attack, calling Masood its "soldier")。
中國駐英國大使館證實一名中國公民在襲擊事件中受傷(a Chinese national has been injured in the attack),并向在英旅行、居留的中國公民發布提示(issue an alert to Chinese nationals visiting or staying in the UK),提醒他們提高警惕性和安全意識(vigilance and safety awareness),避免前往人群集中地區(avoid crowded areas)。
犯罪記錄 rap sheet, criminal record
自殺式炸彈襲擊者 suicide bomber
緊急狀態 state of emergency
反恐 counter-terrorism
屠殺 massacre/slaughter
極端分子 extremist
主謀 mastermind
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(3.11-17)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(3.25-31)
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