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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers a speech at the China Development Forum 2017 in Beijing, capital of China, March 20, 2017. [Photo: Xinhua]
China and the United States can sidestep the Thucydides Trap and the Kindleberger Trap and jointly chart bilateral ties from a long-term perspective, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Monday in Beijing.
"China has the confidence to avoid the historical precedent through enhanced dialogue and coordination with the US side," Wang said during a luncheon speech at the 2017 China Development Forum (CDF).
“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)是由古希臘史學家修昔底德(Thucydides)在闡述公元前5世紀發生在雅典和斯巴達兩國之間的戰爭時提出來的理論。他認為,一個崛起的大國(rising power)必然會挑戰現有的大國(established power),而現存大國也必然會回應這種威脅。雙方面臨的威脅多數以戰爭告終,而沖突的結果也會是災難性的,兩個強國都將走向衰落。
“金德爾伯格陷阱”(Kindleberger Trap)由馬歇爾計劃的天才構想者,后執教于麻省理工學院的查爾斯?金德爾伯格提出,他認為,20世紀30年代的災難起源于美國取代英國成為全球最大強權(the US replacing Britain as the largest global power),但又未能像英國一樣承擔起提供全球公共產品的責任(failing to take on Britain's role in providing public goods)。其結果是全球體系崩潰,陷入蕭條、種族滅絕和世界大戰。
王毅表示,當今世界事務已如此復雜多樣,不可能僅靠一個國家承擔提供所有國際公共產品的責任,唯有開展國際合作才是可行選擇(a single country cannot provide all public goods for the world with such complexity, international cooperation is the only possible choice)。所以中美關系也不會面臨“金德爾伯格陷阱”。
對于朝鮮半島核問題,王毅表示,面對新的形勢,我們又再次提出了中國的解決方案,那就是同時推進實現半島無核化與建立半島和平機制的“雙軌并行”思路(the "parallel-track approach", denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and replacing the Korean armistice with a peace agreement at the same time),以及通過朝鮮暫停核導活動、美韓暫停大規模軍演,為啟動“雙軌并行”邁出第一步的“雙暫停”倡議(the "suspension-for-suspension proposal," that is the DPRK's suspension of missile and nuclear activities in exchange for a halt of the large scale US-ROK exercises)。這個方案設計旨在找到復談的突破口,先摘下“低垂的果實”,既現實可行,又合情合理,同時也完全符合安理會決議既實施嚴厲制裁、又呼吁和平解決的宗旨。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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