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5. 長途漫游費
long-distance and roaming fees
China's three major telecom carriers announced on Monday they will scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges starting Oct 1, following Premier Li Keqiang's promise in the Government Work Report.
5日,國務院總理李克強在政府工作報告中指出,今年網絡提速降費要邁出更大步伐(do more to increase broadband speed and lower rates for internet services),年內全部取消手機國內長途和漫游費(mobile rates for domestic roaming and long-distance calls will be cancelled),大幅降低中小企業互聯網專線接入資費(rates for broadband services for small and medium enterprises will be slashed),降低國際長途電話費(rates for international calls will be lowered),推動"互聯網+"深入發展(push forward with the Internet Plus action plan)、促進數字經濟加快成長(speed up the development of the digital economy)。
6日,工業和信息化部副部長陳肇雄在國新辦發布會上表示,今年10月1日起將全面取消手機長途漫游費(remove completely the domestic long-distance and roaming tariffs for mobile users)。下一步,工信部還將擴大國內互聯網網間帶寬,提升互聯網國際出入口帶寬能力,推進農村寬帶全覆蓋(full coverage of access to broadband networks in rural areas),完善老舊小區光纖入戶政策;規范企業資費行為(regulate the tariff-setting behaviors of enterprises),促進良性競爭(promote healthy competition),持續優化電信市場環境(continue to improve market environment of telecommunications)。
漫游費指在手機號碼歸屬地以外的地區使用電信服務(use telecom services in places other than where the phone number is registered)所產生的額外費用(extra fees)。手機漫游費是2G時代的產物(a product of the 2G era),隨著4G的快速普及(rapid popularization of 4G services),流量(traffic data)已經取代語音通話(voice call)成為運營商最大的收入來源。三大電信運營商(three major telecom carriers)近日均表示將取消國內漫游費,降低部分國際漫游費,轉而尋求云計算(cloud computing)、大數據(big data)等新的業務增長來源(seek new sources of business growth)。
用戶/機主 subscriber
公用電話 pay phone
話費賬單 phone bills
資費套餐 payment scheme
隱性收費 hidden charges
接聽免費 free incoming call
流量不清零服務 rollover data service
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