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近期,不少高官相繼落馬,其落馬還有個共同特點——均是“父子同落”。這些腐敗官員不僅自身違法亂紀,還利用手中權利發展“衙內經濟”(the economy of high ranking officials' children),對市場秩序與法治規則構成更大的破壞力。
Several senior officials who fell due to corruption, including Zhou Yongkang and Liu Tienan, share something in common: Their sons were deeply involved in their corruption cases. Media have called this phenomenon "the economy of high ranking officials' children", which refers to the abnormal economic pattern in which the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials take advantage of their parents' power and influence to do business.
相較普通的權錢交易(ordinary trade between money and power),這種“親緣腐敗”(immediate family corruption)為禍更甚,其造成的影響和對市場秩序(market order)與法治規則(rule of law)的破壞力也更大。
Their companies always operate in local monopolistic industries that are closely connected with the local authorities. The initial funds for starting their businesses are always illegal loans from the banks or from other improper sources. Because of their parents' political power, they always have a powerful influence in the industries they operate in. And their violations of rules and regulations are not investigated and punished because of their parents' power.
權力順著“親情管道”輸送,看似安全無虞,卻往往沿著“兒爹互坑”的路徑演變,最終上演玩火自焚的戲目。層出不窮的案例,已經敲響警鐘(raise the alarm);而就制度層面而言,怎樣將領導親屬任職公開、回避等落到實處,以中介“父子同腐”這類危險的游戲,也值得思量。
(中國日報網英語點津 丁一)
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