誤撥電話 butt call/pocket call
[ 2009-05-04 15:52 ]
手機響了,接起來卻只聽到嘈雜的聲音或是隱約聽到有人在說話或唱歌,你“喂!”了幾聲可就是沒人跟你說話。你以為是信號不好就回撥過去,結果對方很無辜地說:“我沒有給你打過電話啊。”于是,你才意識到原來之前那個電話是butt call。
Butt call refers to an unintended phone call placed by sitting on one's cell phone. Maybe the phone bumped up against something in a purse or briefcase, or rubbed up against a seat belt. Or maybe the phone fell on the floor. Maybe the person just sat on their phone—which explains why some industry insiders call inadvertent dialing "butt calls."
Butt call(誤撥電話)指誤坐在手機上而撥出的電話。有時候可能是手機放在錢包或公文包里碰到了什么東西,或者碰到安全帶了。也或許是手機掉到地板上了。甚至可能是有人坐在手機上了——這也正是業內人士把“誤撥電話”稱為butt call的原因。
A variation on this theme is the pocket call, an unintended phone call placed by accidentally pressing the buttons of a cell phone in one's shirt or coat pocket.
跟butt call相似的另一個說法是pocket call,即手機放在衣服口袋里不小心碰到通話鍵而撥出的電話。
畢業生可能遭遇的quarterlife crisis
你有lottery mentality嗎
(英語點津 Helen 編輯)