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27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之三
[ 2009-09-21 09:36 ]


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Malcolm Doyle: Wait. What are those?

Jane: Nothing.

Malcolm Doyle: Are those-

Jane: No!

Malcolm Doyle: Are they bridesmaid dresses?

Jane: This is none of your business.

Malcolm Doyle: Oh! Good God. What? You kept them all? You have a whole closetful. Why?

Jane: I have a lot of friends and I like to keep them.

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之三

Malcolm Doyle: Right. Well, that makes complete sense... because they're beautiful.

Jane: Some are not that bad.

Malcolm Doyle: "Not that bad"? I'd like to see one of them that's not that bad.

Jane: Fine. Um, well-Not that one. This one-This one is really-

Malcolm Doyle: Horrible. Right? Was the word you're looking for. What color is this? Vomit?

Jane: No, it's like a- It's an "olivey" green. It's very in. I'm telling you, it looks great on.

Malcolm Doyle: Uh, no. I'm telling you that this is an instrument of torture...inflicted on you by a bride who wants you to look ugly.

Jane: No. Jenna picked it because it looks good on everybody.

Malcolm Doyle: Slightly delusional and will believe anything anyone tells her.

Jane: That is not true and I'm going to show you you are wrong. See? It's not so bad. This sash is really very flat-

Malcolm Doyle: Okay. You are totally right about the dress. It is not that bad. But, come on. The color? Please.

Jane: Well, it's your flash. I think it's blowing it out weird...and if it were just a normal. Okay, it's not very good.

Malcolm Doyle: You kind of look like a shiny mermaid. You should be flattered. She didn't want to stand next to a tall, beautiful woman...and have you actually looking decent.

Jane: It's really not the worst one. If I had to pick one- I got a good one. This is my favorite.

Malcolm Doyle: Oh, my God. What the hell is that?

27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之三

Jane: Theme wedding.

Malcolm Doyle: What was the theme, "humiliation"? God! No, people do not have Gone With The Wind weddings.

Jane: I have been to three.

Man: Let's do it. All right Y'all say, "Diddly-dee:" Diddly-dee.

Malcolm Doyle: I feel sick. All right. What else you got? Show me some more. You have to show me Benihana.

Jane: Give it.

Malcolm Doyle: Very pretty. Do you feel pretty?

Jane: Adorable. Every bride loves her accessories. Men wore dresses. Women wore suits. Kevin?

Malcolm Doyle: Yup: What was the theme here?

Jane: L.A. Wedding.

Malcolm Doyle: 27 dresses. You gotta be kidding me. I don't get it. All right.You do the thing, you have the dress. Just throw it out. That's a huge closet. You live in New York. You cannot be eating up space like that.

Jane: Strange as it sounds, I've had some really good times in those dresses. Weird as that may be.

Malcolm Doyle: I don't believe you.

Jane: I don't care if somebody wants me to wear a funny dress: It's their day, not mine.

Malcolm Doyle: God bless you.

Jane: And if supporting them when they get married means: Snowshoeing to a mountaintop in the Alps or... helping to caulk a fountain for some swans, then-

Malcolm Doyle: You actually did that?

Jane: Oh, I'm a really, very good caulker.

Malcolm Doyle: Likes caulk. All right. But come on. Seriously. I mean, how much time do you spend doing this for other people? What about-What about you? You don't have any needs?

Jane: No, I don't. I'm Jesus. Someday- God knows when, But someday...it'll be my day. And then all those people will be there for me: So- That is if I ever-

Malcolm Doyle: Sorry.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. vomit: 嘔吐,嘔吐物。

Doyle在這里是說,伴娘裝的顏色很難看,像“嘔吐色”,讓人惡心。我們還可以用You make me vomit來表示“你使我惡心”。

2. olivey green: 橄欖綠。我們還常用olive green來表示這種顏色。

3. in: 時尚的。與之相對應,out就表示out of date(過時了)。

4. delusional: 錯覺,妄想的。

Jim是一個delusional type(妄想型的人),常陷入delusional mood(妄想心境),產生一些delusional idea(妄想念頭)。

5. sash: 腰帶,肩帶。

例如:She girded her waist with a sash.= She girded a sash round her waist. (她以飾帶束腰。)

6. mermaid: (傳說中的)美人魚。有時我們也將女子游泳選手諧稱為mermaid。

7. theme wedding: 主題婚禮。

類似的用法還有theme party(主題派對),theme park(主題公園)。

8. Diddly-dee: 照相時讓人保持微笑姿態的用語,類似于我們平時在照相時所說的“茄子”。

9. Benihana: 日本風格的。


10.snowshoe: 穿雪鞋走路。

例如:Try snowshoe trekking,a definitely different way to tank up on sunshine and energy.(還可穿著雪鞋遠足,這絕對是一種飽嘗陽光、增添精力的不同體驗。)

11.mountaintop: 山頂。

例如:She shouted on the mountaintop and listened for the echo.(她在山頂上大聲喊著,然后聆聽著回聲。)

12. caulk: 填補縫隙,防漏。

例如:Plumbers caulk joints in pipe with lead , string or a caulking compound.(水管工用鉛、繩子或專用填隙材料使管子的接頭不漏水。)

13. caulker: 填賽縫隙的人。在這里,Jane的意思是,“我是塊好綠葉”,在別人的婚禮上愛做“綠葉配紅花”一類的事情。


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