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An Open Letter to the Next Class

SchwarzPost世民新語 2017-05-18 09:48





We all knew it from the start- that one year will go by really quickly. As our cohort nears into the final parts of our year in Beijing, the nostalgia has begun as we think back on our time and memories here. Over the past few weeks, I am thankful to have had the chance to meet some of the scholars from the next incoming class and I must say I am impressed by your zeal and excitement and also a sense of connectedness even though our community is only beginning to grow. A couple of you have asked a lot of questions about how to make the most of your time in the coming year and the writer in me has decided to pen down some of the discussions that we had. The following piece details a few of the learnings that came from some of those discussions we had. Disclaimer that this only represents my own synthesis and reflections and that this is not meant to be prescriptive but rather to serve as lens and frames to think about. As with all things in life there is never one single template, for it’s up to each of us to thread the path most suited for us. With that in mind, here comes 5 little nuggets of reflection.
我們其實從一開始就意識到了—— 一年的時間會轉眼即逝。當我們走近這一年的尾聲,難免會對今年所做的一切感到留戀,并更積極地反思希望能回饋我們的書院。在過去幾周,我很幸運有機會認識下一屆不同的幾位學者,從短短的交流中能看到你們各自的興奮,并讓我感到我們蘇世民社群的歸屬感。你們也提了很多問題,尤其是關于怎么能夠好好把握短暫的一年最充實地度過這段時間。因此,與你們的討論給予了我很多的啟發與靈感,而這篇文章就總結了我們一起討論到的一些反饋。特別聲明一下,這文章只代表我個人的一些看法,目的不是要教導誰,而是想提出一些值得思考的問題。生活的道路永遠不只一條,最終走的路還是要自己創出來的。基于這出發點,文章想鼓勵我們思考以下的五個小點。

Know what you are coming here for

"You get one life, so do it all."

– Bobby Axelrod (Billions)

A few of us have a weekly “Billions” watching club at the college and Bobby Axelrod is no doubt one of our favourite characters from the hit TV series. Yet in our context, his philosophy is hard to put into action by the simple fact that time will always be limited, trade-offs have to be made and for that you need to know where your priorities are. One year will go by quickly and unless we have a clear awareness of what we are hoping to get out from our time here.


How then can we think of what those priorities should be? One framework that came from our discussions was to see it as 3 balls to be juggled- career development, personal learning, building friendships. Career development focuses on both long-term career exploration and skills/ experience building such as through attending workshops or working part-time. Personal learning revolves around wider knowledge accumulation and personal reflections- specifically by virtue of being in China, we may want to think about specific aspects of China that we would want to learn more of. The final bubble on friendships is self-explanatory but the art is in thinking of the myriad of activities, interactions and groups that we would form (because choosing how and who we spend our time shows where our priorities are). Note that these are only directional areas to guide thinking, but it’s up to us to set out what our specific objectives in each of those areas. Thinking of those objectives will only be the first step, discovering what means or ways to achieve those (be it external events, travelling, self-initiated projects) will be the next important thing to consider. To this point, remember that the programme will not spoon-feed us with opportunities, it’s up to each of us to actively initiate and pursue the things that we want to see and do. (For starters, quite a few of the most memorable activities have all been student-driven)
那么到底怎么才能找到我們的核心目標在哪呢?一個簡單的思路是想著三個方面—— 發展事業,深造學業,建立友情。 事業發展關注與尋找自己長期的事業方向,同時也為提升職場技巧做準備; 這可通過去不同工作坊或實習來實現。深造學業包括知識累積和個人思考—— 我們項目重點關注中國議題,因此值得探討中國有哪些方面是我們想深入研究的。最后,建立友情不言自明,但關鍵是通過什么活動與組織來促成這點。這三個方向當然只是一個思考的方向,詳細的目標還是需要我們自己設定。目標定了只是第一步的開始,下一步還要想什么樣的途徑或機會才能體現出目標。 我們要記住,書院只能提供一個平臺,但我們想追求的機會,還是要自己積極地爭取。

But stay open to explore what comes up

While setting objectives are important, it’s also vital to remain open to how the year actually unfolds. This plays out both at a practical level as well as at our mindset. At the practical level, it means maintaining enough flexibility for the unexpected things that show up. Often through it’s through maintaining willingness to explore new things that allows us to discover more about ourselves.
定目標當然重要,但我們也應該持開放思維與靈活度來迎接這一年。這包括兩個層面—— 一個是在日常生活中,另一個是在思維上。在日常生活中,我們應該保留一定的靈活性來迎接我們沒預料的事情,因為通過探索新的事物才能讓我們更了解自己。


More importantly, at a mindset level, the biggest personal learning that I took away was just the importance of staying open-minded in learning. Many of us will come with very well-grounded and thought out views as reinforced by our many years of education and experience. Against that backdrop, it will take continuous effort to challenge ourselves to withhold judgment and instead allow ourselves to reconsider new viewpoints. This is especially given both the unique context and characteristics of China and also the wide diversity of backgrounds that our fellow scholars will bring. There might come a time when it gets easy to become cynical and to stop trying to listen and that’s when it’s good to remind ourselves to step back before re-engaging.

Be empowered, not entitled

Many of us come in with already distinguished achievements and a year in Beijing will hopefully help to further build each of us up to create greater impact in our respective areas. Indeed, the programme by virtue is designed to challenge and inspire us to make an even greater impact on the communities and world around us.


Yet amidst the empowerment that the programme brings, it will do us good to remember not to feel entitled to things around us. We must remember that no one owes us anything just because we are a Schwarzman Scholar and that we do not deserve anything by virtue of our fellowship. The global political disarray that we have witnessed in 2016 has partly stemmed from an elite that has become entitled and disconnected from the very communities they are supposed to serve. It’s thus important to come away with the humility to keep learning and growing, to be grateful for the opportunities that we are given and to remain grounded to contributing in whatever little way we can.

Develop our convictions and values

Every now and then, there will always be that continual “mid-life crisis” struggle of trying to find our life direction and purpose. This is no doubt hard stuff, but perhaps it’s easier to identify direction when we are clear on our convictions and beliefs. At the end of the day, a sense of conviction helps us understand what we value, what motivates us and what kind of change we want to see in the world. Conversely, having ambition without conviction will only end up eating us from the inside.


A fellow scholar on the programme once shared 3 key questions that he thinks about daily in helping to shape his own convictions and vision:

① What do you believe
① 你相信什么

② What do you love
② 你愛什么

③ Who do you love
③ 你愛誰

What do you believe spells out what our values are and what our vision is for how we hope to shape the world. What do you love then relates to specific areas of interest as well as processes that we enjoy undertaking. Finally, who do you love prompts us to think about the people around us and demands us to learn to love and give more unconditionally than we would ever have. If we can come away from the year with greater clarity on these 3 questions, it will go a long way in helping to shape our convictions overtime.

Live in the present

“I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life.”

– About Time

Throughout our years of going through a structured education system and work experiences, it’s always easy to think of the “what next” in life. Yet, be reminded that this one year is only a short temporary phase in the wider scheme of our careers and life. It would be a pity if our only focus is in continually thinking of the next thing that this year leads to.


My own advice would be to take a step back and learn to appreciate each day for the gift that it is. And so treasure every single moment there is, that way we would ensure we do not look back with regrets on what could have been. Because if we can learn to live more in the present moment, then every ordinary day becomes extraordinary.



The journey is yours to make, go do great things

Final words- this is an open letter precisely because it’s not about one person’s view but rather an invitation for discourse and reflection. The beauty of our programme by design is in encouraging discourse and debate from which learning and new insights can emerge. To that point, one final reminder is that for many of us, that the greatest gift from this year is the community that we have. And it's our collective responsibility to continue to build and contribute to this community, especially to embody the values that we want to represent. The upcoming journey is yours to make and we will all be looking forward to the great things that you do.

“At the end of the day, we are all part of a long-running story, and we just try to get our paragraph right.”

To that end, we are thankful to have been a part of this story

And we look forward to seeing you begin your chapter.


About Author


Alexander Ho Young Chan holds a Master of Public Policy from Oxford University and a Bachelor degree in Engineering from Hong Kong University. He has worked for both Bain & Company and the United Kingdom Cabinet Office. Alexander has led multiple community projects related to his interest in education, social mobility and inclusive economic development. He also served as the Oxford Strategy Group’s Managing Director and the Oxford Student Hub’s Vice-president, initiating projects on economic development, social enterprises and community service. Alexander is 25 years old and from Hong Kong.




















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