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One Belt and One Road
We should prepare timetables and road maps for the coming years for the 'One Belt and One Road' project as soon as possible.
【背景】2013年9月,習近平在訪問哈薩克斯坦提出構建“絲綢之路經濟帶”(Silk Road Economic Belt),同年10月,習近平在出席亞太經濟合作組織(APEC)領導人非正式會議期間,倡議愿和東盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)共同建設“21世紀海上絲綢之路”(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road)。“一帶一路”的構想一經提出,便在同年11月份的十八屆三中全會上被寫入《中共中央關于全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》,正式成為國家戰略(national strategy)。
“一帶一路”是習近平擔任中國最高領導人之后提出的重要國際性合作倡議(international cooperation initiative)之一。“一帶一路”順應了全球化(globalization)趨勢和各國抱團取暖、共同合作(cooperation)的愿望,有著良好的發展前景(prospect)。
APEC blue
Some people call the clear Beijing sky these days the "APEC blue," it is beautiful but temporary and it will be gone soon after the APEC meeting. I hope, and believe, that with persistent efforts, the APEC blue will be here to stay.
習近平對霧霾(smog)問題不藏著掖著,在各國政要面前開誠布公,承認PM2.5這個不速之客是中國“成長的煩惱”,“整治污染是我們努力的方向,綠水青山(green mountains and clear rivers)亦是實現中國夢(Chinese dream)的重要內容”。
一些專家表示,要努力把“APEC藍”留住,需要地方政府把“臨時減排”變成真的不排,把“臨時抱佛腳”變成自覺轉變發展方式(change the development mode)、淘汰落后產能(phase out backward production capacities)。在此過程中,“發展權(the right to development)”與“健康權(the right to health)”始終在博弈。
Sparing no efforts performing duty, Salute
Officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to salute our great people.
網友們贊習大大很潮(fashion)很男神,說“第一次聽到這樣親和、接地氣的新年賀詞(New Year message)”,邊防戰士、海外華人、少數民族的兄弟姐妹、各行各業從業者也立下宏愿,新的一年要繼續“蠻拼的”!習語獲得眾多點贊(thumbs up),更讓我們看到他和人民貼得近,想得近,真正做到了共振共鳴(strike a chord)。
Young people should avoid staying up late
【習語】 “那個時候我年輕想辦好事,差不多一個月大病一場。為什么呢?老熬夜。經常是通宵達旦干。后來最后感覺到不行,這么干也長不了。先把自己的心態擺順了,內在有激情,外在還是要從容不迫。”
I was so eager to do my job well that I often burnt night oil, but also fell ill quite often. I came to realize that even if work piles up, one can only do one piece of work a time, however enthusiastic you may be about the job.
在同200余名中央黨校第一期縣委書記研修班學員(participants of the first seminar for county-level Party chiefs at the Party School of the Central Committee)暢談交流“縣委書記經”時,他勸“年輕人不要總熬夜(young people should avoid staying up late)”。這段真情流露、自然而然的習語被熱烈轉發(forward),網友們紛紛表示被貼心和溫暖的關懷感動(thoughtful and warm caring)。
Sword hilt
We should cultivate a political and legal team that is loyal to the country, the people and the law. We should guarantee that the sword hilt is firmly held in the hands of the Party and the people.
“刀把子”指的是鋒利武器的掌握(the control of powerful weapons)。習近平主席關于“確保刀把子牢牢掌握在黨和人民手中(guaranteeing the sword hilt is firmly held in the hands of the Party and the people)”的指示表明他對政法機關的殷切期望。這需要政法機關以及官員們堅持信仰(keep faith),嚴格遵守黨規黨紀(abide by the Party's discipline and rule)。同時,還要求政法機關以及官員們遵守黨的領導(adhere to the Party's leadership)。
(中國日報網英語點津 王偉、丁一)
上一篇 : 電子證據可作法庭呈堂證供
下一篇 : 明星委員莫成“花瓶委員”
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