
2014巴西世界杯 > 精選雙語球評



2014-06-06 09:04:21





Holland v Argentina, Marseille, Quarterfinal

According to his compatriot Ruud Gullitt, Dennis Bergkamp’s goal in the 1998 World Cup quarter final against Argentina was “technically perfect”. And it is hard to argue with that. Argentina had arrived in Marseille in buoyant mood after beating the old enemy England on penalties in the previous round. Holland were blessed with some fine talent, none greater than Arsenal’s sublime playmaker. Nicely balanced, the game was heading towards extra time after neither side had managed to add to the first half goals they had shared. Then, with barely a minute left, a most un-Dutch like long ball was hoofed forward out of defence. Bergkamp was lurking on the edge of the Argentine penalty area, carefully shadowed by Roberto Ayala. As the ball dropped from the stratosphere, Bergkamp perfectly cushioned it on the laces of his right boot. That, Gullitt suggests, is the moment of unimpeachable genius. As Ayala back-pedalled, Bergkamp, the ball now perfectly under control, checked inside, sending his marker temporarily the wrong way. As Ayala sprawled, the Dutchman, gifted half a yard of space, then blasted the ball with the outside of his boot past Carlos Roa into the goal. Momentarily overcome by what he has done, Bergkamp covered his face with his hands and fell full length to the turf, only to be buried under a celebratory pyramid of his team mates. Holland were to be beaten by Brazil in the semi final. But no matter. Bergkamp had supplied the moment of the tournament. And for Roa, the trauma was to be sustained. In 1999, so convinced was he that the turn of the Millennium would mark the end of the world, he gave away all his possessions and headed to the hills to await the final judgment, only sheepishly to return when it appeared the end was not nigh after all. But then you could understand his reaction. In Bergkamp’s strike he had been on the receiving end of perfection. After that, everything else was an anti-climax.





據其同胞路德·古利特(Ruud Gullitt)回憶,1998年法國世界杯四分之一決賽上丹尼斯·博格坎普(Dennis Bergkamp)對阿根廷的那記絕殺可謂“完美的技藝”。對于這個評價,冰王子博格坎普可以說是當之無愧。


在上半場雙方各進一球后比賽陷入膠著,雙方勢均力敵,不相伯仲,眼看就要拖入加時。在比賽僅剩不到一分鐘的最后時刻,后衛弗蘭克·德波爾(Frank.Der.Boe)一記與橙衣軍團足球風格大相近庭的長傳劃過半場,飛向潛伏在阿根廷禁區附近的博格坎普,而后者的身后則是一直對他死死盯防的阿根廷中后衛羅伯特·阿亞拉(Roberto Ayala)。當球從高空落下時,博格坎普用右腳腳背將球完美卸下。古利特表示,這個停球以及之后的畫面都將是無懈可擊的天才時刻。在阿亞拉追防的時候,冰王子穩穩地控制著皮球,他停球,內切,巧妙地扣過阿亞拉,這令后者猝不及防,失去防守重心,抓住這一機會,冰王子在極小的角度以右腳外腳背彈出一記漂亮的弧線球,皮球越過門將卡洛斯·羅阿(Carlos Roa),刁鉆入網。在完成了瞬間絕殺后,博格坎普雙手掩面,直直地躺在綠茵場上,激動不已。緊接著博格坎普就被層層疊疊壓上來慶祝的隊友所淹沒。





標簽: iNews 世界杯


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