How they qualified After stuttering start, including first-ever defeat to Venezuela, hit their stride to win 14 qualifiers straight and top the South American qualifying group. World Cup high Although Maradona in 1986 was obviously great, the 1978 win on home soil, with the country in crisis, had even more resonance. World Cup low Getting tonked 6-1 by Czechoslovakia in Sweden 1958 and going out at the first hurdle. Familiar faces Pablo Zabaleta (Manchester City), Erik Lamela (Tottenham Hotspur), Sergio Agüero (Manchester City), Fabricio Coloccini (Newcastle United). The manager Alejandro Sabella played for Sheffield United (who had originally wanted to sign Maradona) and Leeds. Was skilful but lacked power. Long-term right-hand of Daniel Passarella. How in danger is he? 5/10 Most likely to light up Brazil Lionel Messi would be the obvious choice, not least because he will want to erase memories of a disappointing 2010 showing. Most likely to be sent home in disgrace Javier Mascherano has enlivened up many a European night with his poor behaviour, but his finest hour is surely a red card for kicking a medic during a match with Ecuador recently. Title odds 6/1 The stereotype is ... Passionate Latins, silky skills, accomplished cheats, diminutive powerful little hustlers with fantastic technique. The reality is ... Gifted but prone to rather limp displays at recent World Cups; tactics basically amount to “give it to Leo”. What they’re known for Malbec 40 per cent Steak 30 per cent Pampas 20 per cent Mickey Mouse currency 10 per cent How Brazilian are they? Don’t under any circumstances call them Brazilian … although they have even more talent than the hosts right now. How Google translates the national anthem Mars himself seems to encourage. Greatness nestles on her breasts. Duration Official version described as “excessively long”. Radio edit is one minute six seconds. How to dress like their fans Be an attractive woman in a tight football T-shirt, wear a Diego mask or get a blue and white top hat. Commentator's go-to stat Argentina has the highest number of psychiatrists per capita of anywhere in the world. Most of them work exclusively on Maradona.
晉級之路 預選賽開始后,阿根廷隊發狠,以前14場預選賽中第一支晉級球隊的身份沖破了南美賽區的角逐(其中僅有一場輸給了委內瑞拉隊)。 世界杯高光時刻 阿根廷隊于1978年和1986年皆奪得了世界杯冠軍。其中,在阿根廷舉國處于危機中時,阿根廷隊仍保持穩定心態,在本土奪冠,更是令球迷們難以忘懷。 世界杯低谷時刻 1958年阿根廷隊以1-6的大比例懸殊慘敗捷克斯洛伐克隊,在第一輪小組賽便被逐出戰局。 知名球員 薩巴雷塔(曼徹斯特城隊);拉梅拉(托特納姆熱刺隊);阿圭羅(曼徹斯特城隊);科洛奇尼(紐卡斯爾聯足球俱樂部)。 主帥 主教練薩維利亞曾效力于謝菲爾德聯(他原本想簽馬拉多納)和利茲足球俱樂部。他球技高超,但缺乏力度。一直以來都是帕薩雷拉的得力干將... 他的下課幾率 5/10 可能大放異彩的球員 梅西顯然會是一大亮點,眾人拭目以待,看其是否能顛覆2010年世界杯中讓人失望的表現。 可能被提前遣返回國的球員 最讓人擔心的,莫屬哈維爾·馬斯切拉諾了...哈維爾在歐冠之夜上的雷人表現使他“備受關注”...他在與厄瓜多爾比賽期間踢傷醫護人員一事,更是將他推到風口浪尖之上... 奪冠賠率:6/1 固有印象 他們是充滿激情的拉丁人,不僅具有細膩的腳法,還有混淆視聽的作弊技巧...這些身材矮小的騙術大師們身懷絕技,不容小視啊... 球隊實情 阿根廷隊在足球技藝上很有天賦,但在近幾年比賽中的表現卻頗受微詞...;他們最常使用的戰術,即“把球給梅西”... 阿根廷的知名之處 馬爾貝克(葡萄酒) 40% 牛排 30% 潘帕斯草原 20% 假錢 10% 他們有多巴西范 永遠都不要叫他們巴西人…盡管如今的他們,在足球技藝方面已漸超東道主巴西...他們仍存有芥蒂... 谷歌如何翻譯阿根廷國歌 新生的英雄們精神抖擻,好象武神一樣雄赳赳。他們胸懷里充滿豪情,闊步前進使大地發抖。 歌曲時長: 官方版本的國歌相當長啊...而電臺版則僅有一分六秒... 如何裝扮成阿根廷隊的球迷 穿火辣緊身球衣將使女粉絲們奪眾人之眼球...此外,你還需戴一個迭戈面具或者是藍白色的大禮帽之類... 解說員將會提到的統計 阿根廷是世界上人均擁有最多精神病醫師的國家。然而他們中的大多數都在為馬拉多納工作...
Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >詳細>>