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China Daily Website

Iran warns against military intervention in Syria

Updated: 2012-08-05 10:16
( Xinhua)

TEHRAN - Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi warned Saturday against the military intervention of foreign forces in Syria, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

If the foreign forces enter Syria, "for sure, there will be a big crisis in the region and definitely the losers of the (potential) crisis will be the Westerners and the supporters of the Zionist regime (of Israel)," Vahidi was quoted as saying.

He stressed that the Islamic republic has no military forces in Syria and the Syrian government has not asked Iran to do so, according to the report.

Syria has a powerful military and enjoys the public support, therefore the Syrian themselves can deal with the foreigners' " adventurism" in their own country, said the Iranian minister.

Last week, Iran's Majlis (parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani said Iran would continue to support the Syrian government under any circumstances.

"As the past, under any circumstances the Iranian nation and government will remain on the side of the Syrian government and nation," Larijani said in a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem in Tehran.
