
Chinadaily.com.cn sharing the Olympic spirit

China holds anti-terror drills in Tianjin ahead of Olympics

Updated: 2008-06-25 16:48


Chinese armed police take part in an anti-terrorism drill outside the Tianjin Olympic Stadium in Tianjin municipality June 25, 2008. The stadium will host the preliminary soccer competition during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. [Agencies]

China launched an anti-terrorist exercise at the Olympic venue in Tianjinn Tuesday involving security forces to test their response to a possible chemical attack.

The exercise, the first in a series of drills dubbed "Binhai 6, " was based on the scenario of a terrorist chemical attack in an Olympic football venue.

Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu watched the drill and said the security work, especially the anti-terrorist work, was fundamental to the success of the Beijing Olympics as it had a great deal to do with the state security, social stability and good international image of China.

He urged relevant departments to carefully go through the preparations of security work to close loopholes.

"The emergency plan should be further detailed, emergency response command system should be improved and training and exercises should be strengthened," Meng said.

Under the scenario unfolded in Tianjin Tuesday, a car in the parking lot of the stadium suddenly exploded and caught fire, giving off heavy yellow smoke and a pungent smell. Many people fainted.

The headquarter immediately dispatched rescuers, including firemen, traffic police, riot police, the People's Liberation Army, the armed police, and the water, electricity and gas departments to deal with it.

The public was informed about the drill beforehand to avoid panic, according to an official.

The two days of drills also includes missions to deal with a bomb attack and spreading rumors of attacks.

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