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Zhang Junkuo

Urban and Rural Residents Feel a Heightened Sense of Gains and Show More Concern about Their Income -- Survey on People’s Livelihood in China 2020 (No.179, 2020)


An Analysis of the Growth Potential in China’s Economic Transformation Period(Special Issue, No.1, 2018)


China’s per capita GDP is a fundamental determinant of growth potential.

Suggestion on promoting lifetime study system


In most of the developed countries, building a lifetime study system has become a basic national policy. In China, it is an urgent issue to build such a system.

Advantages and challenges for China to get past the middle income stage


There are many advantages for China in getting past the middle income stage.

Analysis on China’s market performance in the first quarter of 2004


In the first quarter of 2004, the market maintained a strong demand and price index stayed at a high and stable level. Currently, the soaring grain price and CPI are generally considered beneficial and manageable.

To solve the structural contradiction, improve investment environment and promote the sustained and stable economic growth


The slackening of the economic growth rate seems to be caused by demand constraints on the surface, but actually lies in the structural contradiction at the deep level.