Book Description:
Dirk Pitt's 19th adventure, the second collaboration between father and son Clive and Dirk Cussler (after 2004's Black Wind), offers a plot as credible as it is monstrous and the kind of exotic aquatic detail that amazes, informs and entertains. The action, and there's plenty of it, ranges from Siberia's Lake Baikal and the wilds of Mongolia to the Hawaiian islands. The treasure is that of Genghis and Kublai Khan, the great Mongolian conqueror and his grandson. The villain is a modern-day Mongol with dreams of restoring national power and pride. The heroes are Pitt, sidekick Al Giordino and Pitt's son and daughter, Dirk Jr. and Summer, all affiliated with Pitt's National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA). The exploits of Pitt and company, particularly their narrow escapes, tend toward the larger-than-life, but these are nicely balanced by down-to-earth explanations of such phenomena as seiche waves and oil seeps.
德克·皮特的第19次歷險,此書卡斯勒父子(克里夫和德克·卡斯勒)的第二次合作(上一次是2004年出版的《黑風》)。小說展現出真實可信而又奇特詭異的情節, 同時充滿了帶有奇幻色彩、內容豐富、且極具娛樂性的異域風情。從西伯利亞的貝加爾湖, 蒙古的荒野, 再到夏威夷海島, 書中展示了豐富的場景。寶藏屬于成吉思汗和忽必烈——偉大的蒙古征服者和他的孫子;故事中的反派是一個現代的蒙古人,做著有朝一日復國的大夢;主角是皮特和他的死黨艾爾·喬迪諾和他的一雙兒女小德克和莎莫,他們都屬于NUMA(國家水下艦隊)。皮特及其伙伴的英雄事跡,特別是他們九死一生的經歷充滿了傳奇色彩。但書中穿插了對一些真實現象如湖面震蕩和原油滲漏的解析,讀來感覺真實可信。
About Author:
克萊夫·卡斯勒(Clive Cussler),美國當代首屆一指的驚險小說大師,美國驚險小說協會主席。寫過29本書,作品被翻譯成40種文字,引進到100多個國家,銷量超過1.25億本。全球熱映大片《撒哈拉奇兵》、《打撈泰坦尼克號》等均改編自他的小說。他本人也是一位海洋探險家,正是《倒轉地極》一書中的國家水下暨海洋機構(NUMA)特別行動隊的領導者。