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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 貨幣政策
monetary policy
China has decided to maintain a prudent and neutral monetary policy in 2018 as the world's second largest economy strives to balance growth and risk prevention.
18-20日,中央經濟工作會議(the Central Economic Work Conference)在北京召開。會議確定,打好防范化解重大風險攻堅戰,重點是防控金融風險(financial risk),要服務于供給側結構性改革(supply-side structural reform)這條主線,促進形成金融和實體經濟、金融和房地產、金融體系內部的良性循環(virtuous cycle),做好重點領域風險防范(risk prevention)和處置,堅決打擊違法違規金融活動(illegal financial activities),加強薄弱環節(weak links)監管制度建設。
中央經濟工作會議強調,穩健的貨幣政策要保持中性(prudent monetary policy should be kept neutral),管住貨幣供給總閘門(the floodgates of monetary supply should be controlled),保持貨幣信貸和社會融資規模合理增長(credit and social financing should see reasonable growth),保持人民幣匯率在合理均衡水平上的基本穩定(the yuan's exchange rate will be kept basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level),促進多層次資本市場(multi-tiered capital market)健康發展,更好為實體經濟服務(serve the real economy),守住不發生系統性金融風險(systemic financial risk)的底線。中央作出此番定調是因為我國面臨著既要確保穩定的經濟增長和流動性,同時也要避免金融風險的雙重任務(China faces the dual task of ensuring stable economic growth and liquidity while averting financial risks)。
優化結構 optimize structure
流動性風險 liquidity risk
系統性風險 systematic risk
外匯管制 foreign exchange regulations
資產質量 asset quality
2. 生態環境損害賠償
ecological and environmental damage compensation
The General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued a reform plan for the ecological and environmental damage compensation system recently. By 2020, China aims to establish an efficient comprehensive damage compensation system to protect and improve the country's ecosystem.
該方案中的生態環境損害(ecological and environmental damage),是指因污染環境、破壞生態(environmental pollution and ecological damage)造成大氣、地表水、地下水、土壤、森林等環境要素和植物、動物、微生物等生物要素的不利改變(unfavorable changes of environmental elements such as air, surface water, underground water, soil and forest, as well as biological elements such as plants, animals and microbes),以及上述要素構成的生態系統功能退化(functional deterioration of ecosystem)。
方案規定,違反法律法規,造成生態環境損害的企業或個人(companies or individuals that cause ecological and environmental damage)應當承擔生態環境損害賠償責任,做到應賠盡賠;生態環境損害無法修復(the damages are beyond restoration)的,實施貨幣賠償(monetary compensation),用于替代修復。省級、市地級政府(provincial or municipal governments)可指定相關部門或機構負責生態環境損害賠償具體工作。跨省域的生態環境損害(trans-provincial ecological damage),由生態環境損害地的相關省級政府協商開展生態環境損害賠償工作。
河流污染 river pollution
環境監測 environmental monitoring
非法排污 illegal discharge of pollutants
環保警察 environmental police
3. 年度字詞
Character and Word of the Year
"Intelligence" and "a community with a shared future for mankind" have been chosen as International Chinese Character of the Year and International Chinese Word of the Year, in a competition organized by National Center for Language Resources Monitoring and Research and the Commercial Press.
在此次評選活動中,"享(sharing)"和"初心(original aspiration)"最終當選年度國內字、詞(National Character of the Year and National Chinese Word of the Year)。共"享"經濟("sharing" economy)打造美好生活,不忘"初心"(remain true to our "original aspiration")繼續砥礪前行(work hard to press ahead),人工"智"能(artificial "intelligence")引領未來發展,構建"人類命運共同體"為世界發展貢獻中國智慧(Chinese vision)……專家表示,這些字詞概括了過去一年里令人難忘的時事、世情、民心,記錄著世界的變化、時代的變遷(the changing of times)。
據悉,"漢語盤點"活動至今已舉辦12年,旨在鼓勵全民用語言記錄生活(use language to record life),描述中國視野下的社會變遷(social changes)和世界萬象。自11月20日活動啟動以來,組織方共收到網友推薦字詞數千條,網絡推薦和投票點擊量達2億次。
熱詞 hot word
熱門話題 hot topic
年度人物 Person of the Year
最具文化影響力人物 the most significant cultural influencer
4. 自動駕駛車輛
autonomous vehicle
China's first guideline on road tests of autonomous vehicles was released on Monday by local authorities in Beijing, signaling the country's determination to accelerate the development of the technology.
自動駕駛車輛(autonomous vehicle,self-driving vehicle)又稱無人駕駛汽車或電腦駕駛汽車,是通過電腦系統操控實現無人駕駛的智能汽車。自動駕駛車輛靠人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)、視覺計算(visual computing)、雷達(radar)、監控裝置(monitoring devices)和全球定位系統協同合作,使電腦可以在沒有任何人類進行主動操作的情況下,自動安全地操作機動車輛。
細則規定,在中國境內注冊的獨立法人單位(independent entities registered in China),可申請自動駕駛車輛臨時上路行駛。自動駕駛車輛須具備自動、人工兩種駕駛模式(self-driving and manual driving modes),可在兩種模式間隨時切換。為保證安全,測試車輛在上路測試前,必須在自動駕駛封閉測試場完成過不少于規定里程與規定測試環境的測試,測試結果經專家評審認定,具備條件才允許上路測試。
上路后,測試單位應購買不低于500萬元的交通事故責任險(traffic accidents liability insurance)或提供不少于500萬元的自動駕駛道路測試事故損害賠償保函(letter of guarantee for damage compensation of self-driving road tests accidents)。針對測試駕駛員的要求,細則指出,測試主體應與測試駕駛員簽訂勞動合同;測試駕駛員應當持有機動車駕駛證(driving license),具有三年以上安全駕駛經歷,無酒駕、毒駕記錄(no record of drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs)。
道路測試 road test
指定路段 designated road section
無人公交車 self-driving bus
無人機 drone
5. 稅收改革
tax overhaul
US President Donald Trump secured the biggest win of his presidency Wednesday as Republicans passed the most sweeping tax overhaul since the 1980s.
共和黨克服來自民主黨方面的反對意見(steamroll opposition from Democrats),最終通過了稅改議案(tax bill),為特朗普鎖定了自1月就職(take office)以來的首個重大立法勝利(major legislative victory)。此次稅改的核心內容是大幅降低企業稅,其標準所得稅率(headline income tax rate)將從35%降至21%,使美國與發達國家的稅率平均水平相當(bring the US into line with the developed-world average)。
該議案還將大幅調降富裕階層的稅負(slash taxes for the wealthy),并給予該國中產階級幅度不一的臨時減稅政策。特朗普表示,美國人民將自2月開始看到稅改法案的成果(begin seeing the results of the tax bill in February),屆時他們的稅后收入調整將開始體現在工資單上(adjustments to their after-tax income started appearing in pay checks)。
共和黨人表示,該議案是自1986年里根推行的改革以來最重大的稅收改革(the most substantial tax overhaul since Ronald Reagan's reforms of 1986),此輪稅改對于重振經濟,以及對明年11月的中期選舉中保住該黨對國會的控制均至關重要(be vital to energizing the economy and crucial to their chances of keeping control of Congress in midterm elections next November)。
減稅 tax cut
稅率 tax rate
替代性最低稅 alternative minimum tax
經濟數據 economic data
(來源:CHINADAILY手機報 編輯:丹妮)
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