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China will carry out reforms at public hospitals to optimize medical care resources, according to a decision made at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Monday.
Reforms in the pricing of medical services will continue to move toward dynamic price adjustments to better reflect the expertise of medical workers, the panel determined.
今年的《政府工作報告》指出,“全面推開公立醫院綜合改革,全部取消藥品加成,協調推進醫療價格、人事薪酬、藥品流通、醫保支付方式等改革(We will introduce overall reform in public hospitals nationwide, abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals, and make coordinated progress in reforming health care pricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and models of health insurance payment)?!?/p>
會議指出,到今年9月全國所有公立醫院已全部開展綜合改革,逐步建立了維護公益性、調動積極性、保障可持續的運行新機制(public-oriented, motivated and sustainable mechanism)。
截至目前,醫改已經取得了一定的成效,取消了實行60多年的藥品加成政策(drug price markups removed),醫院收入的藥占比(drug sales as a share of total revenue for hospitals)從2010年新一輪醫改之初的46.3%降至2016年的38.1%,居民個人衛生支出占衛生總費用比重從2008年的40.4%降至2016年的30%以下,65%的二級以上公立醫院開展了按病種付費的醫保支付方式改革(reform of category-based insurance payment),患者就醫負擔持續下降。
一是要完善公立醫院運行新機制(to improve the new mechanism of public hospital operation)。
二是用體制機制改革推進醫聯體建設(to speed up efforts to establish medical treatment partnerships to promote effective cooperation and coordination between different types of medical institutions)。
三是有關部門要集中力量開展疑難高發癌癥治療(treatment of difficult and high-incidence cancer)專項重點攻關,采取措施支持發展先進醫療設備和醫藥產業,突破提純、質量控制等關鍵技術。
四是以“互聯網+醫療”(Internet plus medical care)破解難題,加快推廣遠程醫療(telemedicine)、預約診療(medical service pre-registration)、日間手術(daytime surgery)等醫療服務模式,推動在醫療機構之間實現就診卡和診療信息共享,深入推進家庭醫生簽約服務,全面推進醫療便民惠民服務。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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