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5. 提現服務費
service fee for cash withdrawal
Alibaba's mobile payment system Alipay will start to charge individual users service fees for cash withdrawals, balance transfer from Alipay accounts to bank deposit accounts, from Oct 12, it announced on Monday.
支付寶發布公告稱,將對個人用戶(individual users)超出免費額度的提現(cash withdrawal)收取一定比例的服務費(service fee)。個人用戶每人累計享有2萬元基礎免費提現額度(free withdrawal quota),超出免費額度的部分按提現金額的0.1%收取服務費,單筆服務費不到0.1元的則按照0.1元收取。支付寶在公告中表示,提現收費的原因是"經營成本的上升(rising operation costs)"。
公告顯示,余額寶資金轉出(transfer money out of Yu'ebao),包括轉出到本人銀行卡及轉出到支付寶余額(balance in the Alipay account)將繼續免費(be free of charge),使用支付寶進行消費、理財、購買保險(purchase insurance)、手機充值(make a top-up/top up your phone)、水電煤繳費(pay utility bills)、掛號、繳納交通罰款,使用手機支付寶轉賬到支付寶賬戶、還款等服務也將繼續免費。用戶免費使用的同時還可以獲得螞蟻積分,螞蟻積分可以用于兌換免費提現額度(exchange for free withdrawal quotas)。據支付寶方面介紹,目前兌換比例是1螞蟻積分可兌換1塊錢的免費提現額度(each reward point from Ant Financial equals to RMB1 of withdrawal amount exempt from service fees),上不封頂。此外,支付寶簽約商家(merchants who have signed up to Alipay)使用"提現"產品將支付寶余額內資金轉到本人銀行卡將繼續免費。
支付寶調整提現規則并非業界首例。今年3月起,即時通訊應用(instant messaging app)微信開始對用戶收取提現服務費(service fee for cash withdrawals)。微信規定,每位微信用戶累計享有1000元免費提現額度,超額部分收取0.1%的服務費(a fee of 0.1% is charged on amounts exceeding that quota)。此前,這些移動支付服務(mobile payment services)為用戶全額補貼了銀行對其使用支付網絡收取的費用(fully subsidize the underlying fees that banks charge to use their payment networks)。
第三方支付 third party payment
電子錢包 e-wallet/digital wallet
手機銀行轉賬 money transfer via mobile banking
匯款 remittance
定期存款 fixed/time deposit
活期存款 demand/current deposit
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(9.3-9)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(9.17-23)
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