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1. 公共服務(Public Service):讓人人共享發展成果
《建議》摘要:堅持普惠性、保基本、均等化、可持續方向,從解決人民最關心最直接最現實的利益問題入手,增強政府職責(responsibilities of government),建立更高效的公共服務(more efficient public services)。
2. 扶貧攻堅(Poverty Relief):讓7000多萬貧困人口全部脫貧
《建議》摘要:我國現行標準下農村貧困人口實現脫貧(get rid of poverty),貧困縣全部摘帽,解決區域性整體貧困。
"Eliminating poverty in rural areas is the most difficult challenge to building a moderately prosperous society," said Xi.
To this end, the government plans to issue poverty-relief policies and improve infrastructure in rural areas, including roads, access to water, power and Internet.
3. 教育公平(Equal Education):讓每個孩子享有平等的受教育權
《建議》摘要:普及高中階段教育,逐步分類推進中等職業教育(secondary vocational education)免除學雜費,率先從建檔立卡的家庭經濟困難學生(students from poor families)實施普通高中免除學雜費(exempt tuition and fees);
我國將通過提高教育質量(enhence the quality of education),推動義務教育均衡發展(promote a balanced development of compulsory education),普及高中階段教育(make senior secondary education basically universal),實現家庭經濟困難學生資助全覆蓋,促進教育公平。
4. 就業創業(Employment and Entrepreneurship):讓人們的工作前景更光明
《建議》摘要:堅持就業優先戰略,實施更加積極的就業政策(more proactive employment policy),創造更多就業崗位,著力解決結構性就業矛盾。完善創業扶持政策(aid system for job seekers),鼓勵以創業帶就業,建立面向人人的創業服務平臺(service platform for entrepreneurship)。
5. 大病保險(Critical Illness Insurance):讓人們不再“因病返貧”
《建議》摘要:全面實施城鄉居民大病保險制度(critical illness insurance system)。通過多種方式降低大病慢性病(chronic disease)醫療費用。改革醫保支付方式,發揮醫保控費作用。改進個人賬戶,開展門診費用(outpatient expenditure)統籌。
The Party proposed advancing the comprehensive reform of public-owned hospitals, breaking their mechanisms for seeking profits and building a personnel and remuneration system appropriate for the health industry.
6. 全面兩孩(Two-child Policy):讓人口發展更均衡
《建議》摘要:全面實施一對夫婦可生育兩個孩子(all couples to have two children)政策;積極開展應對人口老齡化(aging of population)行動;全面放開養老服務市場(elderly care service)。
"全面二孩政策"(universal two-child policy)是繼2013年,十八屆三中全會決定啟動實施"單獨二孩"政策(two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single-child family)之后的又一次人口政策調整。
近年來,我國人口總量增長勢頭明顯減弱,老齡化程度不斷加深。十八屆五中全會決定全面實施一對夫婦可生育兩個孩子政策,積極開展應對人口老齡化(aging of population)行動,促進人口均衡發展(improve the balanced development of population)。
7. 戶籍改革(Reform of Household Registration System):讓群眾公平享有合法權益
《建議》摘要:深化戶籍制度改革(execution of changes to the household registration system),促進有能力在城鎮穩定就業和生活的農業轉移人口舉家進城落戶,并與城鎮居民有同等權利和義務。實施居住證制度(residence permit system),努力實現基本公共服務常住人口(permanent population)全覆蓋。
Citing a national plan on urbanization for the 2014-2020 period, the document said by 2020, about 45 percent of the whole registered population will be living in urban areas.
8. 改善生態(Improving the ecological environment):讓人人在藍天下呼吸
《建議》摘要:堅持綠色富國、綠色惠民,為人民提供更多優質生態產品(ecological product),推動形成綠色發展方式和生活方式(green development and living models),協同推進人民富裕、國家富強、中國美麗。
The proposals promised that China will wage an "energy revolution," by ramping up the exploration of clean, safe resources to replace coal and other fossil fuels.
The country will continue to develop wind, solar, biomass, water, geothermal and nuclear energy, as well as explore deposits natural, shale and coal bed gases.
(中國日報網英語點津 丁一)
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