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Britain has a new princess and eagerly awaits her name
一名軟件程序員用自主研發的Morph Thing應用預測出小公主的未來相貌:金發、深褐色眼睛、小鼻子。
Britain's political leaders – facing a hard-fought general election in just five days – rushed to congratulate the couple on the baby. Goodwill also poured in from the rest of the world: President Barack Obama said he wished the family "much joy and happiness," while Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper said the British royal family held a "very special place in our country."
英國政治領導人——五天后將面臨激烈的大選——爭著送去祝賀。世界各地也紛紛發來祝福:奧巴馬總統希望他們一家“幸福喜悅”,加拿大總理史蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)表示英國王室“在我們國家享有特殊地位”。
At 21 months, George is third in line to the throne, after his grandfather Prince Charles and his dad William. The newborn princess becomes the fourth in line, bumping Uncle Harry to fifth.
The last princess born so close to the throne was Princess Anne, the queen's second child, in 1950. Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the daughters of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, were fifth and sixth in line at the time of their birth.
上一位排位如此靠前的公主是安娜公主,伊麗莎白女王的第二個孩子,出生于1950年。比阿特麗絲(Beatrice)公主和歐仁妮(Eugenie)公主——安德魯王子(Prince Andrew)和莎拉·弗格森(Sarah Ferguson)的女兒——出生時分別是第五、第六順位繼承人。
Thanks to a recent change in the law, the new princess will hold her place in the line of succession that for centuries had put boys ahead of their sisters. That means no younger brother will be able to overtake the new princess in the order of preference to inherit the throne.
Nonetheless, the princess probably doesn't have to worry about one day becoming queen, since royal succession rules dictate that the throne always passes to the eldest child. Younger siblings only step up to the job in rare circumstances – in case of an illness, death, or an abdication.
The birth of their second child marks a new phase for William and Kate, who were wed in a lavish ceremony at Westminster Abbey in April 2011.
The royal couple is expected to spend more time in their country digs, a 10-room brick-faced mansion known as Anmer Hall on the queen's estate in Sandringham, 120 miles (190 kilometers) north of London. Their apartment at Kensington Palace in central London, where much of their staff is based, will still remain their official home, officials said.
王室夫婦預計將在桑德靈厄姆莊園內的Anmer Hall生活一段時間。這棟擁有10個房間的紅磚墻別墅是女王名下的地產,位于倫敦以北120英里(190公里)的鄉村。倫敦市中心的肯辛頓宮仍作為夫婦倆的行宮,大部分家什安置于此。
Anmer Hall is also better located for William's new role as a pilot for Bond Air Services, a helicopter operator that works with the East Anglian Air Ambulance service. He will work with doctors responding to emergencies ranging from road accidents to heart attacks.
對于威廉王子的新工作來說,Anmer Hall也是一個更好的住所選擇。他現在擔任“龐德飛行服務”(Bond Air Services)直升機駕駛員,與東安格利亞空中急救隊(East Anglian Air Ambulance)合作,與醫生共同應對交通意外和病患心臟疾病等緊急情況。
frenetic: 狂熱的;發狂的
caught off guard: 猝不及防,措手不及
ensemble: 女式套裝
easel: 黑板架;畫架
(譯者:FNU王碧燕 編輯:陳丹妮)
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