3月9日,習近平參加吉林代表團審議時以“二人轉”比喻振興東北老工業基地發展。他表示,老工業 區發展不能再唱“工業一柱擎天,結構單一”的“二人轉”,要做好加減乘除,要通過創新實現優化升級 實現適應經濟新常態的戰略性調整。
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called for new engines to revitalize northeast China's old industrial base amid the "new normal" of economic development.
Deputies of the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have called for the faster introduction of anti-corruption legislation to tackle the problem at the roots.Chen Xu, an NPC deputy and prosecutor-general at the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate, said the laws covering corruption and bribery are outdated and ineffective. "It's essential that legislators draw up specific laws to combat this problem," he said.
“中央決定這么做是對的,我是擁護的,已經帶頭把工資降下來了。我過去含稅一年120、130萬元人民幣,現在我是公司降得最多的,但是也沒意見,因為過去(高薪)拿了這么多年了,房子也有了,還配 著車……別說降下來,就是兩年不發也夠吃夠喝。”
I fully support the central government's decision to reduce senior executives' salary. I used to earn 1.2 to 1.3 million yuan ($192,000 to $208,000) before tax a year, and now my salary dropped the most in my company. I don't have a problem about it. I have had a high salary for many years. I have a house and a car. I could survive even if I was not paid for two years.
前NBA明星姚明3月9日表示,中國在校園重振足球運動的聲望這一大膽的舉措是走對路了,這樣的舉 措甚至可能使其他體育領域“嫉妒”。擔任中煙改革領導小組組長的習近平主席是一個足球迷,該小組今年二月啟動了中國足球改革方案,意在提升近年來讓國家尷尬蒙羞的國足表現。
Former NBA star Yao Ming said Monday that China's bold step to revive the popularity of football sport in schools was on the right track and could even raise "envy" from circles of other sports.China's central reform leading group, captained by President Xi Jinping who is a football fan, in February kicked off a plan to improve its football performance, which has embarrassed the nation in recent years.