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It was the beginning of a New Year and a grand adventure for Franz Joseph Haydn. On January 1st, 1791, he left Calais for London, where he was to conduct his latest symphonies for English audiences. He wrote to a friend in Vienna: My arrival set off a big commotion throughout the city, and I made the rounds of all the newspapers for three days in a row. Everybody wants to know me. I’ve already had to dine out six times, and if I wanted, I could dine out every day, but first I have to think of my health and my work. Except for the nobility I receive no callers before two o’clock in the afternoon, and at four I dine at home with my host, Mr. Salomon. I have pleasant and comfortable, but pricey lodgings . My landlord is an Italian—and a cook to boot —and serves me four very decent meals, but everything is awfully expensive here. I was invited to a splendid amateur concert, but I got there a bit late, and when I showed my ticket they wouldn’t let me in but led me to an antechamber where I had to wait until the piece being played was over. Then they opened the door of the concert hall and I was escorted on the arm of the entrepreneur up the center of the hall to the front of the orchestra to unanimous applause, and there I was stared at and hailed with many English compliments. I was assured that such honors had not been conferred upon anyone for fifty years. After the concert I was led to a handsome room, where I was supposed to be seated at the head of a table for two hundred amateurs. But since I had dined out that day and had eaten more than I was used to, I turned down the honor with the excuse that I was feeling a bit under the weather . All the same, I had to drink the harmonious health—in Burgundy —of all the gentlemen there. They all returned the toast and then I was permitted to be taken home. |
對于弗朗茲?約瑟夫?海頓而言,這既是新一年的開始,也是巨大冒險的開端。1791年1月1日,他離開加來,前往倫敦。他要在倫敦為英國聽眾演奏自己最新的交響樂作品。他給一個在維也納的朋友寫了一封信: 我的到來讓全城都沸騰了。一連三天,我在所有報紙上輪番露臉。人人都想認識我。我已經赴宴六次——如果我愿意,我可以天天如此,但我不得不首先顧忌我的健康和正事兒。除了貴客以外,下午兩點以前我不見任何來客。4點時,我和我的主人薩洛蒙先生在家用餐。我的住處令人愉快、舒適,但價格也不菲。我的房東是意大利人,也是個廚師,他用豐盛的四餐款待我,但這里什么都貴得要命。 我應邀去參加一個隆重的業余音樂會,但我遲到了一小會兒。當我拿出門票時,他們居然不讓我進去,而是把我領到一間接待室,我不得不在那里等著,直到演奏的曲子結束。然后他們打開音樂廳的大門,我由主辦者攙扶著,被護送到了音樂廳的中央,來到了樂隊席的前面,被全體一致的掌聲所淹沒。在那里,我萬眾矚目,領受英國人的歡呼與贊美。據有人保證說,50年來,這樣的榮譽無人享受。 音樂會后,我被領到了一間很大的屋子,在那兒我理應被安排坐在能容納兩百名業余音樂愛好者的桌子之首。但由于那天我去赴宴,吃得要比平常多,我就推脫說身體有些不適,婉言謝絕了這一榮譽。盡管如此,我還是得和在場的所有先生喝勃艮第葡萄酒,為健康而干杯,氣氛和睦融洽。等他們都回敬祝酒之后,我才獲準得以被送回家。 Haydn: 即Franz Joseph Haydn,弗朗茲?約瑟夫?海頓(1732—1809),奧地利著名作曲家,維也納古典樂派代表人物之一,一生創作豐富,有交響曲、弦樂四重奏和歌劇等。 (來源:英語學習雜志 編輯:丹妮) |
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