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A digital wildfire is essentially a false rumor that spreads very rapidly in the online universe, typically through social media. It's a piece of misleading information that can rip through the public consciousness at breakneck speed, and the ramifications can be serious, even potentially dangerous.
Digital wildfire就是在網絡上,尤其是社交媒體中,迅速傳播的虛假言論,即“網絡謠言”。這種言論是一種誤導性的信息,能夠以極快的速度攻破公眾觀念,其導致的結果可能會很嚴重,甚至有潛在危險性。
The concept underpinned by the expression digital wildfire is also sometimes described as simply digital misinformation. The metaphor of fire seems much more appealing however, aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)
“網絡謠言”另外一個比較低調的說法是digital misinformation。不過,用火來做比喻似乎更加引人注意,而且這個說法巧妙地將傳播誤導性事實帶來的破壞性結果比作野火燒過后留下的殘跡。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)
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