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It’s nearing the end of summer break, and for my school that means one thing: band camp is coming up. Band camp is a week of twelve hour practices that prepare our marching band for the upcoming year. This is when we learn most of our sheet music and most of our drill (the formations that we will march on the fields). Though it is a bit grueling at times, band camp has always been a fun experience for me. Marching band is an ensemble where bands make formations on a football field while playing their instruments. It is more physically strenuous than other music ensembles, which makes it a challenge. The wind instrumentalists (those who play instruments that you blow), color guard (also called flag girls), and drum line (those who march with drums) have to march and play around a football field in boiling hot weather. Even pit percussion, which features stationary instruments such as keyboards, has to work hard to move their heavy instruments. Usually, the practice starts on Monday morning at 8 a.m. sharp . From then, the morning consists of warming up and beginning to learn our music and drill. I was in pit percussion, so thankfully, all we had to worry about was learning our music while other members had to first learn where to go on the marching field. However, the downside to being in pit was that we had to move our instruments at least 3 times during a morning session. And let me tell you, moving a marimba (a large percussion instrument similar to a xylophone) is no joke. At about 12 o’clock, the band takes a break and we have lunch. This is usually a relief for all of us, as it’s a time to chill out with friends and to relax in the air conditioning. This is also when we get up to some of our crazy antics . In American culture, there are many stereotypes about band members being crazy, and I’m here to say that most of them are true. We end up running around playing tag , playing musical renditions of our favorite songs, and just having a good time. In our band, we have a motto “work hard, play hard”. When we are practicing, we work hard but we manage to have a lot of fun during our breaks. Not to mention, enjoying the thrill of performing after finally putting our show together. We continue in the afternoon, until dinner time, when we take another break (cue another round of the craziness). Then, we keep going until 8 o’clock p.m. when the day is finally over. Battered, tired, drenched, filthy, and sun burnt, each of us head home to rest up before repeating the process the next day. Even though marching band is a lot of work, the bonds between us and the memories we share make it really special. For the rest of my life, I’ll always have the memories I made at band camp. I’ll remember the time my friend Daniel had the entire water cooler poured over him on his birthday (soaking someone on their birthday is now a tradition), the foam sword war that happened between pit and drum line, and how it feels stepping off a football field after an amazing performance. I may be romanticizing the experience, as we’ve all shed blood, sweat, and tears to make our performances as amazing as possible, but I will say that all of the hard work was worth it in the end. |
暑假即將結束,對于我的學校而言,意味著一件事情:樂隊營即將拉開帷幕。樂隊營活動持續一周,總時長12個小時,訓練我們儀仗隊為未來的一年做好準備。這是我們一年當中學習樂譜和在操場上演練行進隊形最集中的時候。雖然有時候令人筋疲力盡,但樂隊營于我而言是一個樂趣無窮的經歷。 儀仗隊是一支在足球場上一邊演奏樂器一邊展示隊形行進的樂隊組合。相比其他樂隊組合,儀仗隊更加耗費體力,這是一個大挑戰。管樂器演奏者(吹奏樂器的人)、護旗隊(也叫“護旗手”)和鼓樂組(背著鼓行進)頂著酷熱的天氣,繞著足球場一邊行進一邊演奏。即便是演奏鍵盤等固定樂器的敲打樂組,也需要辛苦地搬動他們沉重的樂器。 活動一般在周一上午八點準時開始,上午的任務包括熱身、學習樂章和演習。我屬于敲打樂組,所以謝天謝地,我們只需要專心于樂章學習便可,而其他成員首先需要學習如何在操場上列隊前進。不過,在敲打樂組也有一個不好的地方:在一個上午的練習中,我們需要至少挪動樂器三次。我跟你說吧,搬動馬林巴琴(一種類似于木琴的大型敲打樂器)可不是鬧著玩的。 樂隊大約在中午12點休息,讓我們去吃午飯。這段時間我們所有人都得到了放松,和朋友一起休息,在空調環境中歇口氣兒。這也是我們瘋玩的時間。美國文化對樂隊成員瘋狂的行為形成了固定印象,我想說的是,大多數人的確如此。我們會四處瘋跑追逐,演繹彈奏我們喜歡的歌曲,大家都玩得很開心。我們樂隊的座右銘是“勤勤懇懇工作,痛痛快快玩耍”。在演練的時候,我們都很認真刻苦,但在休息時,我們也玩得痛快。更不必說,當最終把各個樂組的表演合并起來后,我們還可享受到演奏所帶來的興奮和激動。 我們下午會繼續演練直至晚飯時間,又到了休息時間(我們上演新一輪的瘋玩行動)。然后,我們會繼續練習,直到晚上八點才結束一天的練習。我們拖著疲憊不堪、被汗水浸透、骯臟不堪的身體回到各自家里休息,皮膚都被太陽曬黑了。第二天又重復這個過程。 盡管參加儀仗隊有很多任務,但是我們彼此之間的緊密聯系以及共同的美好回憶讓這個過程變得非常特別。這輩子我將會永遠記得樂隊營帶給我的所有回憶。我會永遠記得朋友丹尼爾在生日那天,將整罐飲水機的水全倒到身上(現在過生日淋濕全身已成為一個傳統),我會永遠記得敲打樂組和鼓樂組之間那場泡沫大戰,我也會永遠記得演奏成功之后走下足球場的心情。我可能將這些經歷浪漫化了,就像我們所有人都流過血、流過汗、流過淚去讓盡量讓每一場演奏盡善盡美,但我想說的是,所有的努力終究會有回報。 (By Betty Liu 溫純 譯) |
Vocabulary: marching band: 儀仗隊,游行樂隊。 formation: 【軍]隊形,編隊。 grueling: 緊張的,激烈的,令人極度疲憊的。 strenuous: 費力的,熱烈的,緊張的。 wind instrumentalist: 演奏管樂器的人;color guard: 護旗隊。 pit: 在儀仗隊或鼓隊中,指固定敲打樂器的演奏組,一般置于足球場的前端,所以也稱為“front ensemble”。 sharp: 整(指時刻),準時地。 downside: 消極面,負面。 marimba: 馬林巴琴;xylophone: 木琴。 chill out: 冷靜下來,放松一下。 antics: 古怪可笑的舉動,滑稽動作;古怪姿態;愚蠢的行為。 play tag: 捉迷藏,追逐游戲。 cue: 把……插入演出。 battered: 憔悴的,累垮的;drenched: 濕透的;filthy: 骯臟的。 soak: 浸泡,浸透。 |
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