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China tea set and brooch among royals' gifts to Obamas
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The gifts from the Royal Family and Cameron came during the Obamas' visit to the UK in May 2011 |
Among the gifts from the Royal Family and UK PM David Cameron to US President Barack Obama in 2011 were a china tea set, an eagle tapestry and a dog toy, the US state department has revealed. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave the Obamas an array of luxury goods valued at $41,676 (£26,910). Following US custom, the Obamas and other US public officials seldom keep gifts from foreign leaders. They are instead deposited with the US National Archives. The gifts were reported in an annual filing by the US state department's protocol office. Queen Elizabeth II gave Mr Obama a red leather-bound volume entitled A Selection of Papers From the Royal Archives 1834-1897, signed photos of herself to several senior White House aides, and a brooch with gold leaves and coral flowers to First Lady Michelle Obama. Prince Charles gave the Obamas a 15-piece china tea set. Mr Cameron gave the family a large tapestry with an eagle and American flag design by the Rug Company, silver bracelets for daughters Sasha and Malia, and a "bone-shaped chew toy with United Kingdom flag", presumably for Bo, the family's four-year-old dog. The gifts from the Royal Family and Mr Cameron total about $7,137 (£4,606). Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave Mr Obama a ball signed by the 2011 Toronto Raptors professional basketball team, as well as a "golden-framed 19th Century antique map of North America, surrounded by drawings of North American Indians, beavers". Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy presented the Obama family with an array of gifts on several occasions in 2011, among them a glass sculpture of Bucephalus, Alexander the Great's horse, several Hermes bags, a 200 euro (£168) souvenir coin and a reusable grocery tote.
美國總統奧巴馬都收什么禮?美國國務院披露了奧巴馬收到外國領導人贈送的哪些禮品。 ***女王送米歇爾胸針 據BBC4月26日報道,美國國務院禮賓司在年報中稱,奧巴馬在2011年訪問英國期間,英國王室和首相卡梅倫贈給他的禮物是一套瓷器茶具,一幅繡有老鷹的掛毯,還有一只狗玩具。 伊麗莎白二世女王另外送給奧巴馬一套紅色皮封面的《皇家檔案館論文選編(1834-1897)》,第一夫人米歇爾·奧巴馬則得到她贈送的一支鑲嵌金葉子和珊瑚花的胸針。她還向幾位白宮高級助理贈送了有她本人簽名的照片。查爾斯王子贈給奧巴馬的是一套15件的瓷器茶具。 ***卡梅倫給奧巴馬愛犬送狗嚼棒 首相卡梅倫贈給美國總統一家的禮物是一幅由地毯公司設計的大型掛毯,上面繡有老鷹和美國國旗。他送給奧巴馬兩個女兒薩沙和瑪利亞兩副銀手鐲,外加一個畫有英國國旗的骨頭形狗嚼棒,可能是送給總統家四歲狗狗 “波”的玩具。 英國王室和卡梅倫首相所贈禮品的總價值約在7137美元左右。 ***加拿大總理投其所好 奧巴馬喜歡打籃球,加拿大總理斯蒂芬·哈珀贈送他一支由2011年多倫多猛龍職業籃球隊簽名的籃球,還有一幅鑲有金框的19世紀北美地區的古董地圖,地圖四周繪有北美印地安人和河貍。 ***薩科奇出手大方 法國前總統尼古拉·薩科齊是所有人里出手最闊綽的了,在2011年,他分幾次向奧巴馬一家贈送過一批禮物,估計價值達到4.2萬美元,其中包括亞歷山大大帝的戰馬——布塞弗勒斯的玻璃雕塑,幾個愛馬仕手袋,一枚200歐元紀念幣和一只可以再利用的雜物袋。 按照美國的習慣,奧巴馬和其他美國公職人員很少保留外國領導人贈送的禮品,而是把它們交給美國國家檔案館保存。 (翻譯:sxdns717 編輯:Julie) |
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