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![]() Protests: Treatment of women in India has been thrust sharply under the spotlight in recent months after a 23-year-old woman was gang raped on a bus in New Delhi, sparking a rape crisis that has shaken the country to its core. |
Young women in a village in India have been banned from wearing jeans and T-shirts because elders say they encourage rape. Lawmakers in Khedar, in the Hisar region of northwest India, implemented the ban as part of a raft of measures designed to reduce sex attacks in the area. Alcohol has also been outlawed while throwing a 'DJ party' will now carry a fine of 11,000 rupees (£125). Khedar village patriarch Sarpanch Shamsher Singh told the Times of India: 'We have decided to ban alcohol as it is the main reason behind rapes. We have also banned jeans and T-shirts for girl students as it is not a proper dress.' But while the decree may prove unpopular among young people in the town, it has been welcomed by older members of the village. Shanti Devi, a middle-aged woman present at the panchayat, said: 'The decision of the panchayat is good and will check the harassment of girls. Poor dressing is the main reason behind rapes.' Meanwhile, a judge today ordered the trial of the five men accused of the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old student in Delhi be held 'in-camera' for the suspects' own safety after chaotic courtroom scenes. More than 150 people tried to cram into a courtroom meant to fit just 30 people for the first hearing of the men charged with the abduction, gang rape and murder of Jyoti Singh Pandey. The 23-year-old physiotherapy student died in a Singapore hospital 13 days after being attacked as she made her way home from the cinema in New Delhi. The woman was thrown naked from the moving vehicle into the street where she lay for up to half an hour before anybody called emergency services. Days later she died from her injuries. Government data show the number of reported rape cases in the country rose by nearly 17 percent between 2007 and 2011. And in New Delhi - known as the rape capital of India - one rape is reported every 18 hours. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
印度一座村莊的年輕女性被禁止穿牛仔褲和T恤,因為村中的長者說這種衣服會鼓勵強奸。 印度西北部希薩爾區可達爾村的立法者實施這一禁令,作為減少該地區性侵犯的眾多措施之一。 飲酒也被列為非法行為,舉辦DJ音樂派對的人現在將面臨1.1萬盧比(合125英鎊)的罰款。 可達爾村的族長薩潘奇?山姆舍爾?辛赫告訴《印度時報》說:“我們決定禁酒,因為這是導致強奸的主要原因。我們還禁止女學生穿牛仔褲和T恤,因為這不是合適的著裝。” 盡管村里的年輕人可能會反對這一法令,但村里的長者卻對新法令表示歡迎。 出席村務委員會的一位名叫珊迪?黛維的中年婦女說:“村務委員會的這一決定很好,它將遏制對女孩的性騷擾行為。衣冠不整是發生強奸的主要原因。” 與此同時,德里23歲女學生輪奸謀殺案即將開庭,但由于法庭現場出現混亂,法官今日下令為嫌疑犯的安全考慮,對5名被告的審訊將秘密進行,禁止旁聽。 當時有150多人試圖涌進只能容納30人的法庭參加該案的第一次聽證會。這5名嫌疑犯被控綁架、輪奸和謀殺喬蒂?辛赫?潘迪。 這名23歲的理療專業的大學生在從新德里的電影院回家途中遭到襲擊,13天后在新加坡的一家醫院去世。 這名女性裸露著身體從行駛的車上被扔到大街上,在街上躺了半個小時才有人打急救電話。幾天以后她因傷勢過重不治身亡。 政府的數據顯示,2007年至2011年間,印度上報的強奸案數量增加了近17%。 在被稱為印度“強奸之都”的新德里,每18個小時就有一起強奸案上報。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: a raft of: 大量 panchayat: (印度的)村務委員會 in-camera: 禁止旁聽的;秘密的;不公開審訊 |
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