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[ 2007-08-29 17:04 ]


影片對白   Life ain't about being creative. It's about kissing ass, playing it safe, making your boss a lot of money and hopes one day he might throw you a stinking bone.




The Bed, Bath and Beyond that is used for exterior shots is located in Hawthorne, California.

Rob Schneider makes a cameo as Prince Habeeboo (in makeup) in the beginning of the movie. Schneider appears in most of Sandler's films and vice versa. In a deleted scene from the DVD, Prince Habeeboo says "you can do it," a phrase often said by Schneider in cameo appearances in other Adam Sandler films.

The camping trip was at Lake Winnipesaukee (though it was filmed in northern California). This is an actual lake in New Hampshire. Adam Sandler was raised in Manchester, New Hampshire. Lake Winnipesaukee is also referenced in Sandler's "Thanksgiving Song."

The film was shot using the high-definition Genesis (Panavision) camera.

When Sandler enters the Bed, Bath and Beyond, he asks if they had a Universal Media remote, which they didn't. Ironically, after the movie came out in theaters, Bed, Bath and Beyond started to sell Universal Media Remotes at their stores.

One scene in the movie starts with a pan across the City of New York circa 2017. In the place where the World Trade Center used to be, there are two identical buildings. The Freedom Tower will stand in this place, but there will be only one tower, not two, as portrayed in the movie.

The film was actually set in New York City but much of it was shot in Los Angeles, with a few glitches such as seeing palm trees, which cannot grow in New York, along with a dinner with Japanese investors on a rooftop hotel in Manhattan, which was actually a rooftop in central LA. Library Tower is clearly seen several times in the background.

Drew Barrymore was originally set to play the role of Donna Newman, but later dropped out because of a scheduling conflict and because she had already worked with Adam Sandler twice. Lauren Graham was also offered the role, but turned it down because she was going to shoot the sixth season of Gilmore Girls during the time that Click was going to go into production.

Morty's name sounds and is written almost like the word "Death" on Latin-derived idioms - notably Portuguese and Italian ("Morte") and French ("Mort"), with Spanish sharing a mild resemblance ("Muerte").

This is the second film in which Christopher Walken has portrayed the Angel of Death, the first being the 1995 film, The Prophecy.

Eric Lamonsoff, an off-screen character referenced in this and other Sandler films, was Adam Sandler's college roommate.

Michael can be shown wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt at approx. 53 mintues into the film.

The name of the film shares it's name with a Goosebumps episode based on similar themes.

In the 2006 comedy Epic Movie, Peter finds the remote during the final battle, which he uses to freeze the White Bitch and her army. Also, moments later a female jogger runs by, and Peter slows things down for a "better look", which also occurred in Click.



1. 這項任務足以讓我發瘋。

2. 我不想為了出書去拍馬屁。

Click《人生遙控器》(精講之五)考考你 參考答案

1. 稍等一會兒。

Just wait a bit.

2. 興奮現在已經過去了。

The excitement's all over now.

3. 別把這個記在冊子上,一點小錢而已。

Don't put that on the agenda; it's chump change.


影片對白   Life ain't about being creative. It's about kissing ass, playing it safe, making your boss a lot of money and hopes one day he might throw you a stinking bone.


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