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愛的寓言:Buy me a rose(情人節系列)
[ 2007-02-06 09:00 ]



情歌之旅愛的寓言:Buy me a rose(英語)
                     浪漫邂逅:Est-ce que tu viens pour les vacances(法語)


實用手冊 情人節“雙語情話”


百科寶典 情人節為什么送他/她巧克力?


背景知識 2006情人節專題回顧:情人節的來歷,多國語言表達“我愛你”,“惡搞”愛情

雙語新聞 這個情人節 送什么給“他”?                 

Kenny Rogers

Luther Vandross

選歌時,朋友說,這首“Buy me a rose ”(《送我一朵玫瑰花》)經典雖經典,但恐怕落伍了。瞧大街小巷的“鮮花族”,無論是白發蒼蒼的大爺還是乳臭未干的孩童,誰不懂得借花傳情的理兒?承認,此時非彼時。不過,如若僅停留在“買花送佳人”的層面來聽歌,未免聽偏了。情人節之際,再次聆聽美國鄉村歌王肯尼·羅杰斯的經典曲目《送我一朵玫瑰花》,或許它能傳遞給您這樣的信息:

不要想當然,自以為你的愛會得到理解。愛不僅僅是單方面的給予,愛更是一種藝術,需要溝通、需要知道他/她的所求。如果想為愛打開一條通道,那就先為彼此打開緊鎖的心窗吧,嘗試聽他/她的心聲 —— 一個電話、一個眼神,或許比得上一張信用卡。試著去了解、去傾聽,日漸凋謝的愛情也許能夠重綻芬芳。

   green rose    

red rose-i luv u


red rose-i luv u


blue rose



 歌曲背景:即使您不知道美國鄉村教父Kenny Rogers(肯尼·羅杰斯)是何許人,想必您一定聽過他那首紅遍全中國的“I swear”(被林憶蓮、齊豫翻唱后更是聲名遠揚)。一直以來,肯尼·羅杰斯以其原始質樸的鄉村風格、柔美易感的抒情曲式贏得了歌迷的認可。在這首“Buy me a rose ”中,您還可聽到藍草女聲Alison Krauss 沁人心脾的歌喉。

2003年,四屆格萊美獎得主、R&B音樂教父級人物Luther Vandross(路瑟·范德魯斯)在其專輯“Dance with my father ”中重新演繹了這首“Buy me a rose ”。Luther Vandross的翻唱版本注入了更多了流行元素,與Kenny Rogers溫暖厚重的粗啞嗓音相比,Luther Vandross憂郁的金嗓在R&B華麗的節奏中得到了完美的釋放。


Buy me a rose                  by  Kenny Rogers

He works hard to give her all he thinks she wants
A three car garage, her own credit cards
He pulls in late to wake her up with a kiss good night
If he could only read her mind, she'd say:

Buy me a rose, call me from work
Open a door for me, what would it hurt
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things I need the most in my life

Now the days have grown to years of feeling all alone
And she can't help but wonder what she's doing wrong
Cause lately she'd try anything to turn his head
Would it make a difference if she said:

Buy me a rose, call me from work
Open a door for me, what would it hurt
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things I need the most in my life

And the more that he lives the less that he tries
To show her the love that he holds inside
And the more that she gives the more that he sees
This is a story of you and me

So I bought you a rose on the way home from work
To open the door to a heart that I hurt
And I hope you notice this look in my eyes
Cause I'm gonna make things right
For the rest of your life.

I'm gonna hold you tonight
Do all those little things
For the rest of your life


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