Pelé (Brazil) World Cups 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970 Appearances 14 Goals 12 Selecting anyone else at No1 would have meant a World Cup form of sacrilege. Diego Maradona may have grabbed Mexico 86 by its lapel in a way that no player has done in a World Cup, before or since, but Pelé’s deeds were spread over four tournaments and when the excellence is that pronounced it will always make a persuasive argument in his favour. If you consider that he was 17 when he announced himself at the 1958 tournament, and 12 years later his contribution to the finest Brazil team there has ever been, there is certainly a compelling argument that nobody has ever done more. Everyone remembers 1970, the first World Cup finals to be televised in colour, and the greatness of the team of Pelé, Jairzinho, Gérson, Carlos Alberto, Tost?o and Rivelino and so many other ideal wearers of their yellow and blue. The glories of Brazil in the black-and-white era are not so commonly replayed but Pelé’s contribution was enormous again. The teenage Pelé scored six times in his four games in 1958 and the last two, enabling Brazil to overcome Sweden in the final by a score of 5-2, completed a story so remarkable it left even his opponents in awe. Pelé’s first remains one of the all-time World Cup goals, chesting the ball down, flicking it over a defender, then volleying in. Sigvard “Sigge” Parling, the Sweden player, would later reflect: “When Pelé scored the fifth goal, I have to be honest and say I felt like applauding.” Pele’s contribution in 1962 was stifled by injury and the fouling on him was so brutal four years later that he vowed it would be his last tournament. The story of football should be grateful he changed his mind. As Clodoaldo, one of his colleagues in 1970, put it: “In some countries they wanted to touch him, in some they wanted to kiss him. In others they even kissed the ground he walked on.” |
貝利(巴西) 世界杯:1958年、1962年、1966年和1970年 出場次數:14 進球數:12 選擇其他人作為世界杯歷史最佳球員都意味著對世界杯的褻瀆。迭戈·馬拉多納(Diego Maradona)在1986年墨西哥世界杯帶領阿根廷隊奪冠的經歷可能是前無古人且后無來者的,不過貝利閃耀了四屆世界杯,他的出色表現足以證明他當選世界杯歷史最佳球員是很有說服力的。 1958年世界杯讓17歲的貝利證明了自己的天賦。而12年以后他又在史上最佳的巴西隊中做出巨大的貢獻,一切的一切都強有力地說明了貝利無人能及。 大家都記得1970年世界杯,因為這屆世界杯的決賽第一次在彩色電視上進行直播,同時大家也欣賞到了一個偉大的巴西隊,欣賞到了貝利、雅伊爾津霍(Jairzinho)、熱爾松(Gerson)、卡洛斯·阿爾貝托(Carlos Alberto)、托斯唐(tostao)和里維利諾(Rivelino),還有其他穿著藍黃球衣偶像們的表演。 巴西隊在黑白電視年代所取得的榮耀并不是那么容易能夠被別人取代的,在此期間,貝利做出了巨大的貢獻。17歲少年貝利在1958年世界杯的四次出場中打入六球,其中最后兩球是在巴西5比2擊敗瑞典的決賽中攻進的。他的表現是如此的卓越非凡,甚至連他的對手都贊嘆不已。 貝利在決賽中的第一個進球至今仍是世界杯歷史最佳進球之一。當時貝利胸部停球,用腳尖點球晃開一名防守隊員,然后凌空抽射得分。綽號為“西格”的瑞典隊球員西格瓦爾德·帕林(Sigvard Parling)賽后表示:“當貝利打進第五個球的時候,老實說我都忍不住為他們鼓掌了。” 受到傷病的影響,貝利在1962年世界杯上的表現不佳。四年之后,對手在貝利身上兇狠的犯規使得貝利發誓這將是他最后一屆世界杯。最終貝利改變了他的決定,世界足壇對此應該感到感激。貝利1970年世界杯的隊友科洛多阿多(Clodoaldo)這樣評價貝利:“在一些國家人們想觸摸他,在一些國家人們想親吻他,而在另一些國家人們甚至親吻他比賽過的草坪。” |
Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >詳細>>