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China Daily Online
Connecting the World

China Daily website was launched in December 1995, making it the first major national daily to go online. In January 2000, the website received the honor of being listed as one of China’s five top state news sites. By informing foreign readers of the latest news and backgrounds about China, and Chinese readers of the world, the website serves a mission of connecting the world.

Consisting of news, information, education and internet-based wireless services, the website is currently expanding into a varied sphere of business. In addition to China Daily group newspapers’ e-editions, the site, under its domain, has such sub-sites as English News, BizChina, Living in China, Forum, Worldreport, Worldnow, English Study, SMS/MMS, Newsphoto and Newscartoon.

Published in both Chinese and English, and subject to 5.2 million pageviews a day, with more than 60 percent from overseas, the website serves as an online bridge between China and the rest of the world. Working 24 hours a day, the website releases over 1,600 pieces of news per day. Having experienced quite a few momentous news events, this young team has sharpened its edge in Chinese and world news reporting.

With the mission of connecting the world, China Daily website will try its best to become a major global authoritative news website about both China and the world.

  May1994--The China Daily launches its electronic edition

December1995--The China Daily unveils its web edition, becoming the country's first national newspaper to go online.

September 1996--Chinadaily.com.cn establishes a mirror site in the US.

1997--America Online names Chinadaily.com.cn one of the top global news websites.

1999--Chinadaily.com.cn becomes the only English-language website to ever be admitted into the China's Top 10 news portal list.

2000--The Chinese government designates Chinadaily.com.cn as one of the country's five key media websites.

2000--Chinadaily.com.cn joins "Asian News Network," an alliance of national daily newspapers in Asia.

August 2000--Chinadaily.com.cn launches a bilingual language webpage, Language Tips.

January2001--Chinadaily.com.cn opens its photographic webpage, newsphoto.com.cn

March 2001-Chinadaily.com.cn unveils its Chinese-language webpage, worldreport.com.cn.

June 2001--Chinadaily.com.cn tackles city living with the English-language Living in China.

July 2001--Chinadaily.com.cn launches its newscartoon.com.cn webpage.

November2001--Chinadaily.com.cn opens its Business Daily Update webpage, BizChina.

May 2002--Chinadaily.com.cn launches its www.chinagateway.com.cn webpage.

May 2002--Chinadaily.com.cn unveils its short message service (SMS).

June 2002--Chinadaily.com.cn opens its Dragonkids webpage, Dragonkids.

September 2003--《21st Century Teens*Kids Edition》starts publication.

October 2003--Chinadaily.com.cn unveils the English edition of www.chinaculture.org.

September 2004--Chinadaily.com.cn and Sohu.com launch English.sohu.com.

October 2004--Chinadaily.com.cn unveils the Chinese edition of www.chinaculture.org.

December 2004--Chinadaily.com.cn opens its mms.chinadaily.com.cn.

December 2004--Chinadaily.com.cn and the Accoona Corp. launch www.Accoona.com in New York.

January 2005--Chinadaily.com.cn and FESCO launch Career Weekly.




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