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Updated: 2005-06-14 08:45

A traditional fishing boat lies at the sea-shore due to bad weather 



A traditional fishing boat lies at the sea-shore due to bad weather


A traditional fishing boat (Dhow) lies at the sea-shore due to bad weather and low-tides at the cost line of the Bahraini capital Manama, June 13, 2005.(Reuters)

A traditional fishing boat lies at the sea-shore due to bad weather

A traditional fishing boats (Dhow) lies at the sea-shore due to bad weather and low-tides at the cost line of Bahraini capital Manama, June 13, 2005.(Reuters)



Dhow: a lateen-rigged ship used especially by Arabs along the coasts of the Indian Ocean(阿拉伯國家沿海的)獨桅帆船的一種

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