A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday. The worm, dubbed Ganda-A, spreads by sending itself to e-mail addresses on an infected machine and tries to disable anti-virus and other security software and infect certain files on the hard disk, according to Sophos. Ganda, which does not appear to be spreading and is rated low risk, sends e-mail in English or Swedish. It is signed by "Uncle Roger in Hornsand, Sweden," who complains in a message about being discriminated against in the Swedish school system, Sophos said. Subject lines include: "Spy pics," "GO USA!!!!," and "G.W Bush animation." After the Sept. 11 attacks, a worm circulated that tricked computer users by pretending to contain images of the World Trade Center attack. (Agenceis) | 美國著名計算機安全公司SOPHOS20日宣布,一種新的郵件病毒開始以附件形式在網絡上出現。該病毒偽裝成屏保程序,內容一般是有關美國間諜衛星拍攝的伊拉克圖片或是歌頌、諷刺布什總統的動畫。 據說,這種病毒名為"Ganda-A",通過在被感染的計算機上向其他地址發送郵件來傳播,并可能使防病毒和其他安全軟件失效,進一步攻擊計算機硬盤上的有些文件。 SOPHOS公司稱,這種病毒還沒有大范圍蔓延的趨勢,而且危害級別不是很高,主要是在英國和瑞典傳播,簽名一般是"瑞典的羅杰大叔,"信件內容通常是抱怨在瑞典的教育體系中受到歧視等。 而信件的主題一般是"間諜衛星照片","到美國去!!!","布什動畫"等。 在"9·11"恐怖襲擊后,還曾出現過一種病毒蠕蟲,打著展示世貿大廈遭襲圖片的幌子襲擊計算機。 (中國日報網站譯) |