Thousands of drivers could write off speeding fines simply by refusing to sign forms sent out by the police. An amazing loophole in the British law means motorists can escape conviction if they leave the space for their names blank. The law requires them to fill in forms supplying information requested by cops--but does not oblige them to provide s signature. And if the forms are unsigned they lose their validity as evidence in court. The get-out came to light during a court case in which motorist Philip Dennis, 34, was let off by magistrates. Philip's speeding car was caught in the camera and he was sent a form requiring him to give details of who was at the wheel. The law states that the "registered keeper" of a vehicle must supply this information or risk a fine of as much as £2,500. Philip filled in the form but sent it back without signing it. When his case came up before Flintshire Magistrates the court clerk noticed the omission. Chairman John Beard said cops ought to ensure the form was signed. But the clerk advised him that, as the law now stands, they had no power to do so. Mr. Beard then said he had no choice but to find Philip not guilty. The authority said they are aware of this weakness and are looking into it to take action. (Agencies) | 成千上萬超速的駕駛員可以輕而易舉地逃掉罰款,訣竅就是不在警察開出的罰單上簽名。 英國的駕駛員們抓住這個驚人的法律漏洞,只要空著罰款單上簽名一欄不填,就可以逃避罪責了。法律只要求他們在罰款單上填寫警察所要求的信息--卻沒有要求他們一定要簽名。而不簽名的罰款單在法庭上是不能成為證據的。 如果不是34歲的菲利普·丹尼斯在法庭上被地方法官無可奈何地無罪釋放,這樣的漏洞還不會引起人們的注意。他超速行駛的車子被公路相機拍到,警方要求他解釋當時駕車人的具體身份。 按照法律,超速汽車的"登記所有者"必須向警察提供當時的詳細情況,否則就要面臨2,500英鎊的處罰。而菲利普按照要求填寫了情況表,卻沒有在上面簽名。 當他的案子呈上弗林特郡法庭時,法庭工作人員注意到了表格上的空白項。法官約翰·比爾德指出警察應該確保當事人在表格上簽字。但工作人員提醒他從法律角度看,警察并沒有權力這么做。因此他只好宣布菲利普無罪。 有關方面表示他們已經注意到了這一漏洞,并準備采取措施解決這一問題。 (中國日報網站譯) |